The Baby's Coming!

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We tried to get Harper to come out of his room all day, but he wouldn't listen. The next day, he came out, but he snapped at Stampy and I. He wouldn't even call Stampy dad anymore. He would call him Joe. He was upset about the fact that I hadn't told him the truth. But as the days went by, I told him what had happened between HTT and I and he understood and we were friends again. We lived happy days together for a long time. My baby bump was growing so big, I looked like a backwards camel. I swear this one was bigger than Harper. Stampy made me rest all the time and I was restless! I bounce in my chair, I'd whistle, I'd sing, I'd do everything except rest. Stampy kept telling me that I was acting like a child and on the occasion if I was passing by him, spank me. Gently, but enough as a discipline, in which I ignored. Then one day, I was sitting on the living room couch with Harper, watching TV, when I felt a something again. It hurt twice as bad. I screamed. 

"Mom! What's wrong?" Harper jumped up. I looked at him. 

"Sweetheart, I think the baby's coming." 

(You have until 3:00 tomorrow to write down any last minute baby names!)

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