Stampy's Other Sister

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 I was really worried about what HTT and Veeva said about destroying Stampy's world. I went into his videos more to keep an eye on Veeva, but she never did anything. Then there was a certain day. It started out normal. I woke up to Stampy recording, I got the kids out of bed and ready for the day. I went downstairs, I made breakfast, just all of the domestic things. Then I heard Stampy talking on the phone, then jumping up and down, yelling in excitement. 

"What in the world?" I went into the living room. "Stampy, what on the earth are you doing?" He ran over and gave me a kiss.

"Oh Willow! My sister's coming to town!" I laughed, but I was confused.

"Do you mean Netty? She lives just down the street, you know." I told him. When Bella heard that, she ran over with her chubby little legs.

"Is Aunty Nitty comin over?" She asked her sweet little baby voice. Stampy picked her up and smothered her in butterfly kisses. 

"No, not Aunty Netty." He cooed. "My other sister, Samantha. She moved to Texas a while back ago because she met a man who studied archaeology and she moved out there with him." I looked at him quizzically.

"You have another sister?" I asked him. He looked at me confused.

"I thought you knew Samantha. She was at the wedding, sort of. She's always busy and she had to video chat." Then I remembered. His mom had been carrying a laptop around the whole time and I remember there being a woman on the screen. But I hadn't officially met her.

"Well, if we're having a guest, we better clean up. When does she plan to get here?"

"She said Monday." Stampy said.

------Three Days Later, It's Monday!-----

I finished vacuuming, then I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it and there stood a woman that had black with a teal streak. She had black eyeliner, black lipstick, and, and silver and teal nail polish. She wore a plain black shirt and a black shirt with a white cross pattern. She also wore a pair of fishnet tights and some great big, lace up, black combat boots. She smiled at me.

"Hi. I'm Sam, Joey's big sister." she said, her voice lilting. "You must be Willow. Joey's told me all about you." She stuck out her hand for a handshake and I returned it.

"Well, nice to meet you, Sam." I said. Then we heard thumping on the steps and we both looked to see Stampy coming in from the hallway. When he saw Sam, he smiled.

"Hey! Samantha!" he greeted, opening his arms up for a hug. She gave him a look.

"Joey, I told you. Call me Sam!" She said, then gave him a hug. As they pulled apart, Stampy gave her a look.

"And I told you, call me Stampy or Joe. Joey was my kid name." I laughed at him. So did Sam.

"Now, where is my nephew that I heard so much about?" She asked. Harper peeked out from the kitchen and she gasped, smiling.

"Oh my gods! Is that Harper?" she went over and gave him a squeeze. "He is freaking adorable!" Harper's cheeks turned red.

"Hi." He said sheepishly. Then I heard yelling, crying, banging, and the sound of a baby gate shaking. Sam looked up, surprised.

"What is that racket?" She asked. Stampy and I laughed.

"That's the twins, Ben and Bella. They must be awake." Sam gasped again.

"Joey! You didn't tell me you had twins!" Stampy laughed again.

"Let us go get them." He said, nodding to me. I went and got Ben and swished him around, making him laugh. When we went downstairs, we found the great big, twelve year old Harper being tickled by Sam and screaming with laughter.

"Aunt Sam! Stop it!" He shouted between gasps. She stopped and plunked down next to him, giving him a look.

"Hey now, just call me Sam. I feel old when you call me Aunt." She did look about twenty years old, even though Stampy had said she was five years older then him. Then she saw the twins and ran over, taking one on each hip.

"They are so freaking cute! I must be the luckiest woman in the world!" She shouted. "I've got my baby brother, he's got an amazing  wife, and I'm an aunty!" The twins giggled and I smiled. Sam is going to be a fun one to have around!

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