Reckless serenade

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"BOYS, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, I SAID KEEP THE MUSIC LOW!!!" I scream from my room as I squeeze my brain to study for finals. First university year was shit. Hard. Tiring. Ugh, I need a break. And I didn't even manage to finish up the book. God, if I had a knife I would stab myself.

Alex and the boys have been rehearsing all day and after I came from classes, we only had a quick snack together and they went back to banging their guitars and drums. Even though between my study and the studio is Alex and I's bedroom, the freaking sounds still reach me. It's not that I don't like them. Actually, I am in love with them. But I am too stressed out and mentally tired to enjoy anything now.

"Sorry, love! Matt, ey, take it easy with those drums..." Alex apologizes, calming down the noise.

I go back to my studying but the computer does a funny alarm sound. I must have got an e-mail.

Good afternoon, miss Phillis!

We established I would e-mail you about your next conference. As you have told me you are caught up in finals, we decided to postpone it until the 2nd of July. It will be at Trinity college at 10 a.m., but I will ask you to come at least 30 minutes earlier, so that we get everything in place.
In the attachment, you have the conferences, interviews and shows that you have been asked to be present at. In case you want to skip anything or delay, please announce me. Have a good day and good luck with your exams!

                            Yours sincerely,
                                       Dave Cusack

Dave Cusack is some sort of assistant for me. He is the one announced about everything that comes up at Portobello with my book and also the one who keeps track of the things I have to attend. His office is just a few blocks away so communication is quite often.

I open the attached document and check out the dates. Holly god, this is gonna be a hell busy summer. So, the first one's on the second of July, autograph session and meeting with fans in Australia(what the heck) on the 15th of July, Ellen Show on the 1st of August with Alex, Comic Con on the 4th of August, Oprah Winfrey on the 6th with Alex as well, Late Night Show on the 9th by myself this time and a few other stuff at the beginning of September in Ireland and England, right before university starts again.

"Boys, move your asses here!" I yell and the banging stops. They come in, gagging on air as Alex sings Poker Face by Lady Gaga in a high-pitched voice.

"What's up, love?" He asks when they all finish laughing.

"Check out my program." 

They all lean in closer and study every date and location.

"We're good. Our concert in Australia is on the 17th of July so we can stay there together." Matt says, pointing at the column.

"The concerts in America are from the 27th of July till the 11th of Aug, so it's not gonna be a problem either." Nick says.

"We don't have anything for Ireland planned this year so you decide what you're doing." Jamie tells Alex and I. "But I suggest you're staying here, cause we got a soundtrack to record, remember?"

The Arctic Monkeys are doing some songs for some Marvel movie that will come out in January. They have their songs ready but they will start recording at the end of August. So I suppose I am going to Ireland alone.

Alex frowns but doesn't say anything and I start typing back my reply to Dave. I tell him it's all good and we got no 'objections'.

After about three hours, I feel my limp body being carried away from my room. I probably fell asleep at the desk again. I open my eyes and come into senses. My cheek is buried in Alex's chest and his hands are holding me from under my knees. He smells like rain. That hot rain that burns your skin in the middle of the summer. Like acid rain. I kiss his chest even if it's covered with a crème T-Shirt and fold my arms in my lap.

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