Chapter 6:- He's here....

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It's funny how one person, one song, one picture can bring back all the memories.


Aarushi's POV

The person standing in front of me was none other than Ayaan.  AYAAN Freaking KAPOOR !

God, am I hallucinating again?

My doubts were proved wrong the next moment as Sid spoke," Ah! Aarushi's here. Aaru, remember Ayaan Kapoor, our batchmate ?"

Of course I do remember he someone who could be forgotten so easily?

I nodded a bit. So no Aarushi, you aren't hallucinating. He is here.

All past memories began playing like a film reel in my head.

Meeting him,
Becoming friends,
Becoming best friends,
Helping each other,
Teasing each other,
Having fun with each other......

I saw him advancing towards me and an uncontrollable smile adorned my lips. I looked down.

God Ayaan, why do you still affect me!

"Aarushi?" I heard him say. He had his charismatic smile on. I looked up at him and lost myself in his dark brown orbs. We both were staring each other, not speaking a word.

Almost instantly, I felt tears forming at the corner of my eye.
No Aarushi, you can't fall weak now. At least not in front of him.

Thinking this, I averted my gaze.

"Hi Aarushi," he said, opening his arms to hug me. I mumbled a 'Hello' and brought my hand forward for a handshake.

Do I even need to mention how awkward it was?

He was a bit dejected, but quickly gained his composure and shook my hand. Six years had gone by, but still his touch sent tingles down my body.

"How are you?" He asked, trying to ease out the awkwardness.

"Good." I need to get out of here. "Umm...excuse me everyone, I'm feeling a bit tired. I think I'll join you'll later. It was nice meeting you Ayaan, bye."

Seriously? That had to be the lamest excuse ever.
In my defence, my thoughts were clouded.

I took the room keys from Kavya and headed towards the room. Upon entering inside, I closed the door and heaved a sigh of relief.

He is here, for real.

As much as I wanted to hug him, I did not. I knew that if I'd done that, I would've cried, and I couldn't be weak.

Mixed feelings were developing inside me. A part of me was ecstatic for seeing him after so long, while another was damn angry.

I sat on the bed and groaned," Why the heck is all this happening to me!?"

"Calm down Aarushi," Kavya said, sitting beside me. Wait! Kavya? When did she enter?
Probably when you were debating with yourself.

"How can I calm down Kavya! He's here, how can everything be alright?" I said, hyperventilating.

"For God's sake he's not some dangerous person Rushu ! It's just Ayaan! Why are you freaking out so much!" Kavya said irritated. This girl gets irritated too damn fast.

"Well yeah, 'Just Ayaan'," I said sarcastically. My tone was getting high pitched by every sentence . "The guy who was my best friend, the guy who left without any explanation, the guy who hasn't spoken to me in six long years! He..., he comes and stands in front of me, behaving ever so normally, and you are asking me why am I freaking out? Seriously Kavya? As if you don't know!" I was on the verge of crying, my voice nearly breaking.

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