Chapter 2:- The First Day

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Dedicated to MellifluentGirl . Thanks for being such an awesome friend and helping me in various things for this story. Love ya !


Isn't it odd how much fatter a book gets when you've read it several times? As if something was left behind every time you read it. Feelings, thoughts, sounds,smells......and then, when you look at the book again many years later, you find yourself there too, a slihtly younger self, slightly different, as if the book had preserved you like a pressed flower.....both strange and familiar.


Aarushi's POV

I turn the page over, wanting to delve in the writings of my old self, and there I find the entry of my first day.
'Finally! Today was the first day of my 9th! I saw many of my old friends. The class is very good. I sit with Shanaya. Nikhil's in my class !! Also, a guy embarrassed me in front of the whole class. I hate him for doing so. Shanaya told me his name was Ayaan. What does-'

"Diii ! Are you there?" Someone said, shaking me by the shoulders. That's when I stepped out of my trance and noticed an annoyed Aisha in front of me.


"God!! Why are you always lost in your 'dreamland' whenever I call you ?!" Aisha whined, air-quoting 'dreamland'.

"Sorry Aishu. What were you saying?" I asked apologetically.

"Apology unaccepted," she said crossing her arms over her chest. "Anyway, what were you reading Di ? You're smiling a lot," Aisha continued, raising one of her eyebrows.
Oh no, she saw me! I love her and all but I can't tell her about this diary. Think Aaru think!
"Uhh.....that-that is only a normal book," I replied stuttering. Great Aarushi! What a reply!
The way Aisha is looking at me right now, I swear even adults crumble under her meanest glares.

"Okay then. Show me," she shrugged, coming forward to grab the book. I slowly walked backwards. Save me someone, please.

As if on cue, Aisha's phone rang.
Bless you, whoever is calling!

The song 'Love Story' was now blaring from her mobile. Is it a coincidence that my current state-of-mind matches the song lyrics?

'We were both young When I first saw you,
I close my eyes And the flashback starts.....'


I had just entered my classroom and was looking for any known faces. That's when I saw Shanaya Sharma, one of my friends in the 6th grade. She was the perfect combination of academics and fun. We had a small talk and decided that we would be bench-mates from now on. I even recognised some of my other friends during the roll call.

And then there was Nikhil. That fool! Couldn't he let me know that we were assigned the same class and save me the anxiety? Well, a verbal lashing won't hurt him now, would it? *rubs hands in a menacing manner*
Nikhil Arora.
My best friend since childhood. We all have that one friend who goofs around all the time but when the need arises, becomes the most serious person you've ever known. Nikhil was that person for me and I was grateful that he'd be there with me. Not that I'm gonna tell him that.

Being given a free period, I was talking to Shanaya when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the person who had interrupted our conversion. A boy was standing there, looking at me. Then I heard a deep voice; I mean I heard him say,"Excuse me, ......" He looked at my ID card and continued,"Miss Aarushi Malhotra. Would you please let me pass?"

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