2.) Please No

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So far, I like the classes I have so far... except English and my next class period after lunch.


I mean, don't get me wrong... I love gym! I love all the fun stuff we do in there and all of the hot upperclassmen, with their cute looks and yummylicious abs.

But it's the fact of who I have it with.

The good-for-nothing hoe/whore/douche (shall I go on with the list?) Colleen.

Although I have it with Max, Nate, Tony, and Marcos, I'm upset that I don't have it with my girls.

I nabbed the round table in the center, it was one of the best seats.

Just as Summer and Sharise sat down, two cute juniors came up to us.

" Hey girls," a gorgeous Asian smiled at me and I blushed. " We are wondering if we could have our table?"

" Yeah, this is where we usually sit." replied the second guy, who was looking at Sharise in admiration.

I mean, he's cute too. He's looks like the dude from Hannah Montana, the Jake Ryan dude... in a good and better way.

" Awe can't we have this seat today?" Sharise pouted.

" Yeah, you wouldn't want to get a girl upset, now would ya?" I said, doing the puppy dog face at the Asian.

For some reason, he blushes and then I knew that the trick worked.

" C'mon Kamrin, lets let the girls have this table for now." the Asian says.

" Okay Ryan. See ya around girls!" Kamrin says.

I sent a flirty wink to Ryan and he blushes again, while Sharise was giving a flirty wave to Kamrin.

After they left, Summer just gave us a look.

" How come you have admirers this early?!" she asks, with a bit of envy.

" Oh come on Summer! Remember last year, you had a whole bunch of boys surrounding our table, you got a whole lot of confessions, and a lot of valentine chocolate." Sharise says.

I raised an eyebrow, " See? Don't worry, you'll have many admirers coming to you."

Just as I said that, three jocks came up to Summer and started flirting with her.

All three of them were hot! One was a gorgeous brunette, a yummy blonde, and a cute redhead.

" Hey guys! What's going on?" Nate asks, as he sits next to Sharise.

" Uh nothing much, besides the fact that Summer is getting her flirt on." Sharise replies.

" I have quite noticed that, but that fast?! He he, I remember last year." Nate says with a chuckle.

After the guys leaved, the rest of the group joined.

Marcos was the last to join.

There was one last seat, and it was between Sharise and Summer.

Sharise and Summer covered their hands on the seat just as he came.

" Um can I sit?" he asks, annoyed.

" Nuh uh! Go sit with your girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

" She's not bad once you get to know her." Marcos sighs.

" No she's not... she's worse." Tony says.

Nate and Max chuckled at Tony's joke.

" C'mon you guys! Let me sit so I can eat my lunch!" Marcos whined.

" Nope, go sit with that puta de meirda. I don't want her to sit here!" I replied.

" Yeah, I already got a headache from Math... I don't want it to go to a migraine." Summer says as everybody else nodded.

We all have regular math and we have Mr. Donahue, who makes everything complex!

" Argh! You guys are frustrating! Let me sit! Colleen doesn't have this lunch period with us!"

Summer and Sharise removed their hands from the chair and continued eating their food, and Marcos sat down.

" Just so you know," I pointed a fork at him. " If she comes and makes me lose my temper, I'm gonna kill her and pinpoint the blame on you. Just a warning."

" A he he he he he." Nate laughs at my threat.

I covered my mouth to keep myself from screaming-laugh, so I just giggled as everybody else laughed at Nate's laugh.

" What is so hilarious about my laugh?" Nate asks, still laughing.

" Its the way it sounds." Summer says, as she was taking a deep breath.

We all nodded and continued eating.

After lunch, I headed off to gym with Marcos, Nate, Tony, and Max.

Max was holding my hand and we were getting looks from the sophomore, junior, and some senior girls.

I could feel their intense glares pointed at me.

Their envious glares...

I'm used to this by now, this isn't the first time this happens.

Back in California, I always had to transfer schools because I would always catch attention from the teachers.

Not the I-am-bad-kid-attention, no... these were male teachers.

And they somehow have perverted thoughts.

Well, after all those incidents happened, I transferred to Max's school.

He was the 'sought out guy' and very popular to the girls.

When he found out I was attending his school, he got very excited.

So he would always be my side, always holding my hand, and giving me hugs and all that.

The girls didn't know that I was his cousin, and they all felt threatened by me.

I would always hear that I'm a pretty hot chick, but I think of myself as average.

So yeah, those girls are the reason of why I moved to Florida.

They bullied me endlessly, made bad rumors about me, sent some guys to terrorize me, and beat me.

I know this sounds wrong, but it wasn't their fault.

You wouldn't have expected me and Max to be relatives, or cousins as of matter in fact.

While I have dark brown hair, Max has platinum blonde hair.

My eyes are golden-brown with a hint of green, and his eyes are blue-green.

We are quite different, so you would think we are good friends.

Even though I'm used to the evil stares... I'm still quite scared of the possibility of getting bullied again.

I removed my hand from Max's, and he gives me am odd look.

" I don't want you to feel my hands sweaty loser." I say to him.

Max just laughs and we continued walking.

Its best that he doesn't know...

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