14.) Second Date & Second Chances... For some but not all

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For the past four weeks, I have been avoiding Gabriel.

I ignore all of his texts and calls.

I don't eat lunch in the cafeteria, instead I go to the lunch detention room, outside, the gym, ir the library (the librarian likes me a lot, so she lets me eat in the back of the library... where all the new books and where the librarians eat for lunch).

Yeah... I have gone great lengths to avoid Gabriel.

" What's on your mind right now Megan?"

I look up and smiled at Zabin.

" Nothing much...I'm just thinking about what I'm going to buy for Summer."

" Her birthday is in three days." Zabin remarks.

" Yup and its going to be a surprise."

" She's lucky that her birthday falls a day before Christmas Eve."

I nod at that and sighed.

This time I can't avoid Gabriel, he'll be there for sure...

After all, he is a friend to ALL my friends.

" There's been something I have been meaning to ask you Megan..."

" What?"

" There's this new pastry shop that I saw the other day and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" Zabin mumbles, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

Is he asking me on a date?! My ex... asking me out on a date?!

I guess my lack of reply made him think I was hesitating or something because he quickly says, " You don't have to say yes if you don't-"

" I would love to go!" I said, smiling.

Zabin gives me one of his heart-melting smiles and says, " Great! I'll meet you at the entrance after school!"

Zabin walks off to his last class, Agricultural Science, and I walked off to French.

This was the only time I couldn't avoid Gabriel, in fact... because I was currently avoiding and ignoring him, he moved me up to the front of the class, in the seat that was right in front of his desk.

When I arrived, everybody was chatting and gossiping with one another.

Everybody looked at me as I walked in, I ignored them and went over to my 'new' seat.

Summer, Sharise, and Marcos walk over to me and I looked at them in mock surprise.

" What?" I asked nonchalantly, taking out my French notebook.

They each pulled up a seat and surrounded me.

" What?" Marcos scoffs, mimicking my tone. " What do you mean 'what'?"

I shrugged, flipping my notebook open.

" Chica, how long are you going to keep ignoring Gabriel?" Sharise asks, whispering so no one would hear.

" Yeah, when are you guys going to get back together?" Summer pipes in.

" The guy is depressed without you." Marcos says softly.

" Well he should thought of the consequences before he goes and swap spit with his ex!" I growled, crossing my arms.

" But it wasn't his fault!" Marcos remarks, standing up in anger.

" It doesn't matter now, I'm going on a date with Zabin after school today."

The door slams open and we all looked up, Gabriel was standing in the doorway with an extremely pissed off look.

Memories (Will be going under extreme editing soon)Where stories live. Discover now