3.) Eh?!

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" Tweet! We are going to be running four laps today!"

Everybody in the class groaned, including myself.

I hate running.

I felt the cold wind blasting against me as I put my hair up.

I sighed in contentment.

" Ready to lose loser?" asked Tony.

I smirk, " The real question is... are you ready to lose imbécil?"

" What did you just call me?" Tony asks.

" An idiot." replied Max and Marcos in unison.

" Get into positions!" yelled Coach.

We all walked to the starting line and got into position.

" Get ready!... Get set!...And..."

Everybody was waiting for his call.i

" GO!" he yells.

We all started running.

Except poor Nate is jogging.

There's a reason of why he's a hopeless guy in gym.

He's a total klutz! Last year he caused a domino effect between the runners and hurdles.

And the poor kid got asthma.

" You are a turtle!!" Tony tells, running ahead of me.

I laughed, " Thanks for the compliment! Slow and steady wins the race!"

With that, I advanced and beat Tony.

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I'm so excited for my next class!


Because I have it with my besties and I don't have it with stupid Colleen!

" Why are you so happy? It's scaring me..." Summer says as she gives me a strange look.

" What?! Is it against the law to be happy? Why are you walking with me anyways?!" I retort.

Summer jumps at me barking at her and Sharise just laughs and we continued walking to French.

Since Sharise and I excel Spanish, we decided to take French, while Summer didn't want be in Spanish alone.

When we walked into French, Summer nearly collided into me as she tried to escape French.

" Woah woah chica! What's going on with you?" Sharise asks, as she balanced Summer.

" Why didn't anybody tell me that we have French with Marcos?" Summer freaks.

" Ohhhh so that was the thing I forgot to mention this morning." I say, all innocent-like.

Summer narrows her eyes at me " Seriously Meggy?"

" Oh! Look at the time! The bell is about to ring soon! Lets get inside the class and stop being fools." Sharise says, pulling me and Summer along with her.

When we entered class, I noticed Marcos talking to this guy.

He's a guy I haven't seen before...

I walked up to them, leaving Sharise and Summer talking to each other.

" Hey Marcos!" I said, giving him a pat on the back.

He jumps and looks at me, " Hey Megs."

" Who's the guy?" I asked.

" Who's asking?" Marcos countered.

" Do you want me to literally kick your ass?" I threatened.

The guy chuckles, " Your girlfriend is violent."

" Girlfriend?!" Marcos and I yelled in unison.

" Ew! She's just a friend bro, nothing more." Marcos says, crossing his arms.

" Yeah, I could do way better than Marcos!" I say indignantly, crossing my arms also.

" Yes-Hey! What is that suppose to mean?"


" Take a seat you two." the guy says at me and Marcos.

I raise my eyebrow and Marcos nods.

If there's one thing I don't like... It's being ordered around.

" What about you?" I ask haughtily as Marcos walks over to his seat.

" Don't worry about me Princess." the guy replied.

" Jerkwad." I spat, going off to my seat.

I heard him chuckling before clearing his throat.

I sat down and glared at the cocky son of a bastard.

I just realized that Marcos didn't introduce me to It.

But It answered my question....

" Hello everybody. I'm Gabriel Manson, but call me Mr. Manson. I'll being teaching second and seventh period French."

Everybody was murmuring, but mentally... I had my jaw wide open.


This stupid, hot assface is my French teacher?!

Gabr- I mean, Mr. Manson looked at my way and gives me a wink.

Oh god... and I called him a jerkwad.

Just my luck.

Memories (Will be going under extreme editing soon)Where stories live. Discover now