Chapter 35

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"Here to stop you doing something you'll both regret later, a house with teens left alone is never a good idea, I would know!" his Dad explains with his face harsh and his body tense while Dean jiggles his leg on the spot. I reach over and take his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Look, nothing would never happen with us that way!" Dean almost shouts at him.

"I know what boys your age get up to, okay? I know! Of course you would do that stuff, you's are young and you's will happily do stuff like that without thinking of the consequences." The man says running a hand through his grey dark hair- so that's where Dean gets it from...

"Yeah, for some of the lowlifes that there is in the world but we do know Dad!" he says with sarcasm on 'dad' he obviously doesn't have a clue what to call him, neither do I to be honest.

"All guys are like that so there's nothing to stop you leading her up the stairs and clearly taking advantage of having the house to yourselves, you said you love this girl and we all know what happens with girls and boys in a house alone together when they think they love each other!"

"Dad, I know the value of sex for god sakes!" Dean starts.

"Don't use the lord's name in vain!" His Dad jumps in as Dean snakes his arm around my shoulders

"Look, we know the value, I'm not about to jump into bed with your son!" I snap back, the look he gives me for having spoken is unreal, as if I shouldn't have spoken up for him at all, the look that says, 'you're a worthless teenager that knows nothing'.

"And how on this world do you know that for certain? Oh no, I forgot, you don't know do you?" he smirks sassily; Dean takes a lot more from his Dad than I ever thought but he is still the better person, the bigger man.

"Because she was raped three weeks ago you idiot! That is why we're home, well, that and because I can't cope with you being back! You're taking life too seriously and you shouldn't be even trying to force yourself into my life this way now!" Dean snaps and as soon as he's finished he turns to face me, his eyes pleading me to understand why he's just shouted that out loud for everyone to hear.

"I'm sorry, this is the last thing you need right now." Dean's voice sounds over everything, even over my own breathing, over his breath and over the noisy labour of his Dad's breath.

"It's fine; it's not your fault." I smile a little but it's clearly forced. I let my hands go up to his top collar where I wrap my fingers in the material, my head leaning back so I can look up at his face.

He leans down and kisses me slowly before pulling with a weak force, his eyes and lips seem to linger on my lips as he makes himself turn to face his Dad, his own flesh and blood that betrayed him, that left him and hurt him.

"Just leave Dad or I won't even call you Dad anymore not that you really are but still, just leave us. Can't you see she's had a hard enough day as it is? Give her a break!" Dean's voice is lowered, a sign he seriously is ready to snap, it's low and dangerous, one you don't want to get involved with because you know it's trouble as soon as it starts you will do everything to avoid it (unless you're the old me and you deliberately get him to that stage but for the fun of it, like the time this whole thing started, when my brother walked in on us on the floor...).

"Ok, Ok. I'm leaving but I expect you to come home by diner." He says shoving his hands up in the air and backing up towards the door before he's turning around and going out of it, slamming it behind him.

"Why don't you go have a shower and then we can watch a film or something." Dean says with an obvious pent up energy surrounded in his body.


I know it's not long and it's been forever since I've updated but I've been busy with competing my horses and had no time to read or write.

As usual thanks for reading and please keep voting and commenting on what you think of the story, if I'm doing ok or if it's going really bad, please and thank you :)

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