Get Ready For School..#19

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Maya's POV:

"Here's your breakfast by Yours Truly" I laughed, placing the plate of stacked pancakes on the dining table as Joe walked down the stairs. He smirked...AGAIN! Why did he have to smirk, as well as walking downstairs with nothing but my brothers pajama pants in which I lent Joe. "Thanks and stop checking me out" he smirked again as I blushed a crimson red. "Anyways..where is your mum?" Joe asked, juggling the hot pancakes in his hands. "She went to work and last night she texted me saying that she was staying at my step dad's house" I said, rolling my eyes at the end. I really hated my step dad. He would always order me around and treat me like crap. I missed my 'real' dad, who passed away four years ago due to a severe car crash. It took me ages to get over the fact that my dad had passed away. I still can't believe it. Mum told me to get over it, but how could I? I was so close to him. 

"Earth to Maya" Joe suddenly said, waving his hands in front of my eyes. "Oh..sorry here" I snapped back to reality and handed Joe the chopped strawberries. Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my shorts pocket. It was a text from Arianna. Oh crap! I didn't even know where she went last night! She could have been in big trouble without my help. I quickly looked at the text. "Call me now" it read. It was abrupt. Was she angry at me? I had to take the call. " go ahead, I need to call someone" I said, halfway walking up the stairs. Instead, Joe replied with the muffled sounds of a mouthful of maple syrup pancakes. I smiled and ran up the stairs.

I ran into my room and shut the door behind me. I immediately dialed Arianna's number. She picked up within two rings. 

Me: Hello? Ari? What happened?

Arianna: Oh my god Maya! You scared the shit out of me! What happened?

Arianna sounded like she was on the urge of tears.

Me: Arianna! What happened!? Why are you crying?

Arianna: I thought you died..

At first, I thought that Arianna was joking until she started sobbing through the line. 

Me: Ari..look come to school ok? I'll see you there I promise

I guess that calmed her down a little bit.

Arianna: O-O-Ok I-Ill see you th-there

She stammered. Why was she so concerned? I didn't understand. 

As I ended the call, I went downstairs to see a syrup stained plate in the sink. I scoffed at Joe's laziness in clearing up the dishes. I heard the shower going off in the bathroom. I walked over to the door and lightly knocked on the door. There was no answer. Before I could knock again, Joe opened the door. He only had a towel around his waist and his body and hair was wet. My goodness! His! I forced myself to peel my eyes away from his body and quickly covered my eyes. "Dude! I was just checking if it were you! You could have just said yes or something" I yelled, sneaking a few peaks (hehehe). "Don't act like you don't like it" Joe replied, walking back into the shower that was now covered in steam. I could just picture him having his signature smirk plastered on his face. "Jerk.." I whispered under my breath and walked off to get ready for school. 

I ran into my room and looked into my closet for some clothes. I soon decided and picked out a black and red striped tee that hugged my curves and some ripped jeans. I decided to let down my hazel coloured hair down and paired it up with a red bandanna. As Joe got out of the shower he went into my room to get changed and it was my turn to shower. 

Soon Joe and I were ready to go to school. "Wow! You are actually go to school! Some bad boy you are Sugg" I smirked as I chucked a blueberry muffin in my bag. "Don't try my Scarborough!" Joe said, obviously irritated with my in fact true fact. We both got in my Joe's car (the same car I used to drop Joe off in my house last night) in which Joe drove. I couldn't help but have Joe's scent engulf my nostrils :) Creepy? Ok..sorry!

Soon we both entered the halls of Westfield High. Highschool kids zooming in and out of rooms and girls cracking their gum as people walked down the halls, I cringed at that sight. "Ok.."Joe sighed as he began walking. Before he could take a step forward, I grabbed Joe's arm and yanked him back to face me. Our faces were inches apart. "I swear Joe, if you tell anyone about you staying at my place, you will be in big trouble" I said, whispering so no one could hear us. Joe smirked and replies, "Sure thing" he winked before walking away. That boy I tell you...


DONE!! I hope you like it! Comment below and Vote! Do you like 'Bad Boy Sugg?!', well then please drop a comment in the comments section :)) ILY BYE

And I'll see you next time with another chapter of 'Bad Boy Sugg?!'. WooHOO! *It's mean't to sound like Joe's outro lol*

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