Lifeless #47

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He's one of us...

As soon as that statement left the man's mouth, my body stiffened and my face grew pale. It's almost as if I had been electrocuted but without the pain; at least not physically. The unknown man's breath reeked of alcohol and mint, an odd mixture. Soon the man's chuckle clouded the small room as the heels of his shoes clicked against the flooring. "Joesph! Please...come" the man extends his arm towards the door that was slightly wedged open. I look down, not prepared to see what was about to happen. The room was silent until the heels of shoes make it's way over next to the man standing. At this point, the room was still very dark, pitch black almost. I didn't know who the man was or how he looked like neither did exactly know who was standing next to him. "Stanley hit the lights thanks!" the man shouts. My head hangs low as I squeeze my eyes shut, heavily breathing hoping that this is all just a dream.  Suddenly the light turn on. I'm scared to look up but I force myself to. 

I look up to be met with the eyes of Joe's. The man I loved, trusted and simply...cared for. I looked at him with pleading eyes, trying to ask him what was going on. The eyes have the power of everything. Not only do they have the ability to have you experience the beautiful things the world has to offer, but also the art of communication. He stares into my eyes for a few seconds before looking away in disgust. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion as they twitch due to the chilly room I was currently sitting in.  "Joesph meet Maya..our gem" the man speaks, this time my eyes flicker over to him. He wore a suit and tie as well as a slim hat. His eyes were the colour of the sea, blue like Joe's but more prominent. Joe's eyes meet mine again, a slight hint of "sorry" but a large percentage of anger. "Did you get anything else from her?" Joe asks, turning his head towards the man who had supposedly "chauffeured" me. "I simply just got her in the car.." the man says, barely above a whisper. We he scared of Joe or the man beside him? Joe heavily sighs, grabbing his forehead in his hands, "Dad! We need better workers!" Joe grunts. "We do son...but now's not the time, we have the girl.." the man speaks, who I finally come to know as Joe's dad says, shushing him instantly. Suddenly, Joe eyes flicker up to mine and he slowly and painfully makes his way over to me. My head hangs low, tired and frail to even move. Joe soon squats down to my level, trying to look at me beneath my hanging head. 

Silence took upon us for a good 5 minutes before Joe spoke again making me slightly jump. "Can we..have a moment please?" Joe says, looking to the men behind him. They slightly nod before walking out the metal doors, leaving Joe and I alone. In other times, I wouldn't mind Joe and I alone but this...gave off an uneasy vibe. "Red lipstick suits you" Joe says, smirking as her circled me. "Why am I here?!" I say, cutting him off from saying anything else. Joe clears his throat, "Hush now Maya, wouldn't want anyone else to hear our conversation?" Joe states, twirling a piece of my hair. I gulped nervously but I didn't want to lose any hope. "Why-am-I-here?" I say slowly, losing my patience really quick. "Maya...the sweet daughter of Mike Scarborough" Joe sighs, chuckling evilly almost. Wait?..How the fuck did he know my father's name? I never told him, or anyone that! "How do you know my father?" I ask, twisting my wrists from the restraints around them. As I was trying to break free, I felt a sharp object tugging on my butt pocket. My car keys. Was it possible to cut the ropes around my wrists? I tried anyways. Joe was distracted on the other hand which was good. "Poor thing huh? You don't know who killed your father?" he sadly sighed, fakingly. he walked closer to my ear, "My father...killed your father" he whispered. I suddenly stopped fiddling with the car keys in my hands. I stared at the ground ahead of me, not making a move. He was responsible for the death of my loving father. His father had killed my father. Someone I loved, lost, when I was 5 years old. 

"What?" I say, shaking. "What?...Stuck to make your stupid quick witted comment?" Joe stares back, laughing. How dare he? How dare he kill someone I love and still do till this day. "You are FUCKING DISGUSTING!" I yell, standing up and surprisingly breaking free from my restraints. I storm towards Joe and hold him against the wall behind him. "How dare you fucking take away the life of someone so innocent? WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU?" I yell, my tears brimming to the top. Joe was shocked with my actions and to be very honest, so was I. It was back in Year 8, where my best friend Kian taught me how to place people in headlocks and shit so yeah..I was a pretty reckless kid back in middle school. "Innocent? Your father was a joke!" Joe scoffed and spat with his last sentence. "I dare say that one more time" I whisper, using my forearm to restraint his neck. Joe looks at me, anger dripping from his eyes. "He was the only source of happiness for me.." I whisper, silently sobbing. My restraint around Joe's neck loosened as my hands flew up to meet my hair. "He was the one who taught me how to ride my bike, he was the one who did nothing but support me...and all you could do...was...take away my only source of happiness?" I cry, sobbing. I break down and my body gets the better of me, I fall to the ground and sob. Being embarrassed is the least of my worries at the moment. I cry, my throat hurts, I'm sobbing, my head hurts, I feel.....lifeless

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