Wait Really?! #30

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Joe's POV:

She just kissed me. Maya just kissed me! I only just realized how much I missed Maya's kisses. Now before you beat me up, I want to let you know that I kissed Emily all those times because I loved her. Then all of a sudden, Maya kisses me and I just feel nothing but guilt. Who do I choose between? Maya or Emily? What the hell man!? Why do girls have to be so complicated.

-Skips to the end of school-

Maya's POV:

I scurry to my feet and rush out the door, hoping not to bump into one of two people that is Emily and Joe. I was basically the first one out of the school gates and I had just had a whole weight lifted off me. I continue walking and plug in my earphones and play my music. I was currently listening to "The Night is Still Young" by Nicki Minaj. I usually choose songs by the pace that I am walking in, if I am sad and im walking slow, I will choose a sad song and vice versa. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I spun on my heels to see Arianna. Her hair was slightly messed up and she was panting like crazy. "Y-You okay?" I asked her, my eyebrows knotted together. "Do you think I'm fine" she playfully retorted, still panting. "Ha sorry" I laughed and waited for Arianna to catch her breath again. "Are you ok? I-I mean I know you're not but you know do you need any help or anything? I can help you! Do-" Arianna rambled on. "Ari, I'm fine okay? Why do I need jerks in my life am I right?" I faked a smile. Arianna seemed to buy it and patted me on the shoulder as we both strolled home and went our separate ways.

I unlocked the door to my house to be greeted by the lovely aroma of pasta and sauce. "Hey mum!" I chirped. "Hey sweet!" I heard Mum's voice call out from the kitchen which was a fair bit away from the front door. "I'm going to go and change okay?" I yelled to her. "Okay!" Mum yelled back, I could imagine a happy smile plastered on her face. I ran up the stairs and quickly changed into some home clothes and rushed downstairs in time for the aroma of tomatoes and capsicum to hit my face. "Pasta tonight?" I gushed, grabbing out a plate from the cupboard. "Yeah!" Mum smiled. It was nice to have Mum back and I mean "real mum". "Sweet?" Mum questioned, as if she were about to give a questionnaire to me. "Yep?!" I chirped, popping the 'p'. "It seems you have a School Ball this week or next week or something?" Mum questioned, not looking from up her chopping board. I froze. She didn't want me to go did she? What about my date? It's Joe! And I hate Joe's guts at the moment. She whirls around and approaches me, holding my shoulders. "Sweet? Will you go for me?" Mum asks softly. Oh god.. "Mum..you see..I am paired up with a particular someone who I really don't like at the moment and I really did before" I said, sadly. Mum gently lifts my chin up, forcing me to make eye contact with her. "I know it's hard Maya but..I kinda paid and hired for the dress, makeup and manicure" Mum innocently smiled. WHAT!?!?! "Mummmmmm" I whined, holding my head. "So sorry Sweet..It's just I thought it would be so nice to go and I am so sorry that i didn't ask for your consent first" she sadly said, her head hanging low. How can I make Mum upset after she has probably spent hundreds of dollars for this event..just for me. "Okay..I'll go..I'll just have to find a way to avoid that jerk!" I spat. Mum just softly laughed making this whole situation slightly relaxed.

I walked up to my room and plonked down on the bed. I had finished eating my dinner and was just contemplating life at the moment. Aw shit! The School Ball! With Joe. What was I going to do? I can't not go now! How was I going to face Joe? Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing rapidly. I aimlessly picked up my phone not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked, tiredly.

"M-Maya?" A male voice spoke through the phone.

"J-Joe?" I stammered, my mouth suddenly going dry.

"Um..would it be possible if we could talk somewhere besides...on the phone" Joe stammered.

"U-Uh o-okay" I stammered back.

"See you at Eliyas Park soon?" he questioned, sounding slightly confident.

"Y-yeah" I replied. Arrrghhh! My stupid stammering.

"Ok see you then.." his voice was so sincere. I didn't bother to say bye and just ended the call.

Holy shit! I had just agreed to going to see Joe after a.very.long.time...WHAT!?!?! ASDFGKLJTMFMENDDV

I proceeded to walk down the stairs to see Mum gone, probably for her work. Mum was a nurse and had some late nights. I chucked on a plain white shirt, paired up with leggings and wore my "actual" glasses so that I wouldn't bump into someone in the distance. My hair looked incredible today with all these beach waves so I left it out....

Why was I so nervous about this?


Next chapter coming soon guyssss!

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