Breakfast in Bed?! #18

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Maya's POV:

I woke up and brushed my teeth as well as brushing my hair into an effortless top bun. I was still in my night clothes which was an over sized top that was black and had a 'Rihanna' print on it and short sport shorts. I got out of the bathroom to see Joe, awake, sitting on the edge of the bed and holding his head. Oh dear..He had a hangover. I let out a sigh which caught Joe's attention. "Sorry about last night.."he mumbled, immediately putting his head down into his hands. "'re lucky I saved your life from that punch on fight you had with Adrian" I sighed, walking off to hang my towel. "Fight with Adrian?" he asked, looking at me confusingly like I had just said something stupid. "Yep! You got into a fist fight with had bruises on your face and blood gushing out, I had to bring you home and clean you up" I rambled, letting out a huge sigh at the end. "Woah woah woah.."he said, not believing a word I had said. I quickly ran into the kitchen to fetch some Advil and a glass of water. "Here take this" I gave him a soft smile before handing it over to him. What a poor thing! "Thanks.." he mumbled again, grabbing both items off my hands and drinking the tablet. I just stood there, looking at Joe until he finished his water. He was about to get up when I stopped him with my hands. "Wait rest, breakfast is on me!" I smiled, snatching the glass off Joe and running off before he could question me. I was always brought up to make guests "invited" to our home and make them feel at home and to make sure they get the best hospitality. Even though Joe was a complete attractive jackass, I could disobey my tradition. I also wanted to be a good first impression in Joe's eyes...Wait what?

Joe's POV:

I woke with the BIGGEST headache ever. It also smelt different at the place that I was currently in. It smelt more like roses and hot chocolate, somewhat like....Maya? Just as soon as Maya popped into my mind, she walked out of the bathroom. Woah! With just one quick glimpse she was an attractive little one. She wore an over sized shirt with short shorts and damn was I right that she was good looking. My thoughts were snatched away from me when a piercing pain came to my head. I feel like I should apologies for last night although I had no idea what had happened. "Sorry about last night..." I mumbled, placing my head in my hands. "'re lucky I saved your life from that punch on fight you had with Adrian" she said as she went to hang her towel. What the heck?! A fight with Adrian? Crap! "Fight with Adrian?" I questioned, looking as shocked as ever. "Yep! You got into a fist fight with had bruises on your face and blood gushing out, I had to bring you home and clean you up" she rambled, adding a tiresome sigh at the end. I couldn't believe it! Adrian was my worst enemy! Well..we were best friends at one point until he stole my ex, Courtney. "Woah woah woah" I sighed, placing my head in my hands. I had promised myself that I'd never deal or talk to him again. Maya ran out the door before coming back with a glass of water and some Advil. I thanked her before consuming the tablet. I gulped all the water as my mouth was dry from all the alcohol I had last night. I was about to get up, when Maya softly pushed me back on the bed, "Wait rest, breakfast is on me!" she smiled. Her smile was to die for! It was gorgeous! I was about to top her, when she ran out the door, with my empty glass in her hand. I let out a brief laugh. Maya was too cute. I took this time to analyse her room. It was filled with cute decorations like candles and lamps as well as quotes in almost every corner of her room. Maya's room described Maya so well, not to mention her extremely lovely smelling pillow and covers of her cologne. Not to be creepy or anything :)


Sooooo..that's a wrap on Chapter 18 > I hope you enjoyed it!!!

Chapter 19 will be uploaded tomorrow since I don't have school :)

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