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Friday finally came, and it felt like the day would never end. It was last period, and I had it with Evelyn, but we were on opposite sides of the classroom.

"Who can tell me the answer to number 14? How about... Miss Moran?" I raised my head off of the desk, worried because Mr. Dunne called on me but I had no idea what we were doing.

"Uh... Divide?" I guessed, and everyone laughed at me. "I asked you what the square route of 13 is." Mr. Dunne stated. I blushed. "It's 169." He nodded and continued writing on the board.

I struggled to maintain my attention directed at Mr. Dunne until the bell rang. "WE'RE FREE!" Raquel screamed, and ran over to me. "Let's go find the others," I suggested.

We found Riley, Evelyn, and Marylyn, and went to our lockers. They grabbed their duffels, and I grabbed my backpack. We unhooked our bikes from the bike rack, and pedaled off to my house.

Once we got there, I led them up the stairs and into my room. We built a fort out of pillows, blankets, mattresses, and sheets. We climbed inside, and Riley handed out flashlights. She turned hers on and shone it below her chin, casting a shadow on her face. "Ghost stories?" She asked.

"How about truth or dare?" I smirked, and everyone agreed. "Me first," I said. "Hmm... Mary, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to run into the street and have a dance party."

We all headed outside and watched Marylyn whipping and trying to nae nae in the middle of a moderately busy street. We were crying from laughter, and Marylyn was getting honked and cursed at. After a few minutes, she ran back over to us.

"Okay, um. Riley! Truth or dare?"


"Kiss, marry, kill. Demi Lovato, Taylor Lautner, Bruno Mars." Marylyn said.

Riley thought for a moment. "Okay. I'd kiss Demi, marry Taylor, and... I'm sorry Bruno. Rest in peace."

I gasped in mock horror. "Not Bruno!"

"Oh yes," She laughed. "Ev, truth or dare?"

"I hate this game," Evelyn whined. "But, I must choose. So... DARE!"

"Evelyn, I dare you to... bark like a dog at every person who walks by," Riley commands.

They watched Evelyn bark at pedestrians, but I was watching Riley. I noticed how there were golden pieces of her hair, and how it was sparkling in the sunlight. She's like a ray of sun, I thought to myself.

Evelyn came back in a hurry. "Raquel. Your turn. Tru-"

"Dare!" Raquel exclaimed before Evelyn could even finish asking. "I dare you to flirt with the next old man you see." Evelyn said evilly.

"Okay..." Raquel jumped up and ran over to the sidewalk. She spotted an old man and acted like she was into him. We were choking and whining because our tummies hurt from laughing so hard.

She came back a few minutes later, holding a small piece of paper. "I got his number!" She laughed, showing us the 10 digits. "Brooklyn, your turn. Truth or dare?"

I thought it over. "Truth!"



"Truth." Brooklyn said.

"I have a great one; Go up to that guy smoking and say, 'Can you not, I have asthma.'" So she used one out of her three chickens, not surprisingly, and we went around a whole time again, when Raquel got to dare her again.

She dared Brooklyn to kiss me.

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