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disclaimer, I have no idea how much foods are at McDonalds and I didn't figure anyone would care if it was 100% accurate or not so yeah. picture on the side of them at the end of the chapter only much younger 😂


I was staring at the moon, thinking about our kiss, when I realized that Brooklyn had fallen asleep. I knew that she slept like a rock, so I put the blanket on top of her and carried her out to the car. It would have been hard for me to do with any one else that was her weight but her; the whole time, I was fixated on how beautiful her hair looked with the moon shining on it.

I went back to get Teddy, who had fallen asleep with Brooklyn, and the snacks and blankets.

Once I had brought the things back to the car, I went to Brooklyn's door, opened it and pulled up her blanket and adjusted her seat back. When I saw her lips, I froze, and then decided that I had to make my decision now. Whether or not I wanted to do this; so that I could make her decision easier.

I realized that the fact I wanted to help her make an easier decision obviously means that I cared for her, and then I asked myself what would I be without her?

Suddenly, it was clear I loved her in some way, so I slowly leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, perhaps a little too close to her lips, and then I got into the drivers seat and drove till we hit a cheap motel in New York City. I carried her inside to the room I had reserved, then I brought Teddy and the luggage in.

Immediately, I passed out on top of the bed with just a thin blanket to cover two short teenage girls and a small puppy.



I woke up to Riley bounding around the room, packing things as quickly as possible. I squinted, my eyes still adjusting to the harsh light. "What... are you doing?" I asked groggily. She spun around.

"Good morning, sunshine. I am packing as fast as I can- we're a tad bit behind on schedule. And by a tad bit, I mean three hours."

I looked around me, and went into a panic. "Where am I?! What country are we in?! Where's my dog?!" Riley looked over at me and burst into laughter. "You're in a rundown motel, the United States of America, and great question!" She held up her backpack, where Teddy's tiny head and paws poked out.

I giggled, "Why did you stuff him into your backpack?" She rolled her eyes, "No pets allowed." I lay back down, and rubbed my sleepy eyes. "Where are we? And where are we headed right now?" I asked.

Riley threw a suitcase at me, making me let out an, "Oof!" I climbed out of bed and started to remake it. "We are in New York City. You fell asleep on the beach, so I brought you here. And we're headed towards Massachusetts, so get up."

Once we checked out of the motel, we loaded the car and climbed in, me driving. "Turn on the radio," I told Riley. She put on our favorite station- 106.1- it had songs from "90's to now" and we knew every one of them.

Just as we finished belting out Party in the USA, we pulled up to a toll booth. "Please tell me you have enough." I begged. She gave me a worried expression and dug through her pockets. I rolled down the window, to see a large woman who was eating a McDouble and holding out her hand. "Just a moment, please." I said sweetly. She glared.

"Here, you go. Have fun!" I called behind us as we drove through. "Who peed in her cereal this morning?" I frowned. "McScrooge is one joyous toll lady." Riley said. We burst into laughter.

She turned the radio back on, and we scream sang Stitches by Shawn Mendes. "NEEDLE AND A THREAD GOTTA GET YOU OUTTA MY HEAD, NEEDLE AND A THREAD GONNA WIND UP DEAD!" We laughed and sang until lunch time, when my stomach made the loudest sound I have ever experienced in the loud sounds of the stomach.

"Whoa, Brook. Was that your stomach?" She gasped. I pouted, "I'm hungry, McScrooge inspired me." Riley let out a musically beautiful laugh, and my heart beat a little faster. "Let's have McDonalds, maybe they have something vegan for you." I rolled my eyes. "Riley, I'm vegetarian, and of course they do. I want salad."

We drove up to a McDonalds drive through, and I poked my head out of the window. "What do you want?" A voice said through the speaker. "Okay, one, how rude of you. Just because you have to be around greasy foods all day that you can't eat doesn't give you the right to be a McGrumpypants. And two, I would like a Italian dressing salad with tons of croutons, a medium mocha frappé-" I gestured to Riley to keep ordering. "Uh, also a number fourteen off of the menu, a medium Sprite, and a large French fry."

Once all of our items showed up correctly on the ordering screen, we drove up to the first window. "$18.72, please." A boy with short curly hair said. "My treat," I quickly handed him a twenty dollar bill, and he put it into the register. "$1.28 is your change, would you like a receipt?" I nodded and took the receipt. "Thank you, have a nice day."

We drove up to the second window, where we were handed a large paper bag and a cardboard quadruple cup holder with our drinks. We thanked them and drove to a park. We got out with our food, and grabbed Teddy, his food, a water bottle, and two bowls from the trunk, and walked to the playground after locking the car. We hooked Teddy's leash to the swing set, and filled a bowl with each water and dog food.

Riley and I climbed on top of the monkey bars, and ate our food in a peaceful silence. I never wanted this road trip to end.

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