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I yawn tiredly, squinting my eyes as the harsh sun peeked through the curtains. I notice Riley is laying half on top of me, her arm draped around me, and shallow breaths leaving her parted lips.

I thought of when I kissed them, and how soft they were.

I also notice Teddy sleeping soundly on the couch beside us. "Hey, bud." I mumble, reaching out to scratch behind his ears.

He stirs, and opens his eyes. He looks at me and happily bounds over to me, climbing on top of Riley's shoulders. "Mm, get off," She groans, but quickly sits up. "Oh my god, what if he has fleas?!"

I burst into a fit of giggles, because there was a huge mess from the storm outside, and she was concerned about fleas.

"Can we brush our teeth? My mouth tastes like dead fish." She rubs her fists against her eyes, and I giggle again. "Okay. I've got Pokemon toothpaste."

She looks at me quizzically. "Pokemon?"

I just grin, and jump off of the bed, opening drawers and looking for my Pokemon shirt. It's kind of an obsession. I open my mouth and belt out the theme song, "I wanna be the very best! Like no one ever was! To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause!"

I pull my pajama shirt over my head, aware of the fact that Riley was staring. Putting the Pokemon shirt on, I continue to sing.

"I will travel across the land, searching far and wide. Each pokemon to understand, the power that's inside! Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all! It's you and me, I know it's my destiny, Pokemon! Oh you're my best friend In a world we must defend, Pokemon! A heart so true. Our courage will pull us through, you teach me and I'll teach you,
Pokemon! Gotta catch'em all!"

Breathless, I fall onto the bed. Riley looks at me like I have two heads. "What?" I giggle.

"You're an idiot. A bloody idiot."

Once we brush our teeth, we head downstairs to get some breakfast. "What do you want?" I ask, opening the fridge door and taking out a gallon of milk. "Cocoa Krispies!" She smiles, grabbing the box of cereal from the cabinet. "Me too." I say, taking two bowls from a shelf. I also got us spoons, and we began to eat our meal.

"I need to go home today." Riley announces.

I pout.

"Don't." She says, poking my dimple. "You should meet me tonight. At the 7/11 at the bottom of the hill."

I chew my cereal thoughtfully. "What time?" She shrugs. "Eleven?" I almost choke on the crisps. "Why so late? That's unsafe." She rolls her eyes. "And driving 48MPH isn't?" She gave me a smirk.

"Fine. However. You better buy me something to make up for this. Just so you know, I fancy a bag of salt and vinegar chips, and a Monster Energy. See you there!" I say, jumping up to put my bowl in the sink.



The next day is torture, awaiting 11:00 PM when I am meeting Brooklyn at 7/11. In the morning the rain from the storms had stopped so I decided to go ride my neon green ripstick down the development to Brooklyn's, but since I was feeling shy I decided to just casually ride by the window and see if she would see me, and she did. Brooklyn bounded out of the house with a coat half on and her dark blue ripstick.

"I guess it was just as hard for you to wait till tonight," I smiled. She looked over, "Yup."

Right then, my dad texted 'Hello' and I typed, 'hey really sorry gotta go babysit, but ill see you tonight byee' and sent it.

Later that night I drove down to the 7/11 and met Brooklyn, who was waiting by the door holding a grocery bag. "Okay, whats the big surprise?" She asked.

"We are going on a road trip. And the first spot on the list is a gas station because you can't have a road trip without snacks!" I exclaimed.

"Wait, what?" Brooklyn questioned, "It's midnight and my family doesn't know I'm here." She bit her lip.

I smirked, "Actually, yes they do, and Spring Break has to be awesome, so here is your suitcase and don't worry, I packed cute clothes for us. Destination two- New York City, baby!" I spoke, pulling her into the store behind me as we searched for tons of snacks.

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