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We walked back inside and made chocolate face masks, had ice cream, watched Once Upon a Time, and chatted on the couch.

"So, how is school?" I asked.

"Dude... we have like all our classes together."

"Okay fine, how about boys?" I asked.

"Boys..." She mumbled.

"Don't play dumb! Any guy in the school would be lucky to have a crush from the amazing Brooklyn." I laughed.

"That would be miraculous." She mumbled.



"Okay, since you are uncooperative in that area," I chuckled. "Let's talk about-"

"McKenna!" She suggested.

"No, no, anything but that." I rushed.

"Girl. You have to stand up for yourself! Why wont you ever even try?" Brooklyn asked.

"I just don't... Uh..." I didn't want Brooklyn to know that McKenna used to be my stepsister, so I was panicking. Brooklyn was smart and I knew that she would notice I was in a bad spot.

"Oh my god. You know her? Outside of school?" Brooklyn gasped.



"Oh please, I'm sure I would remember knowing someone like that." I shuddered. "And you do! That's why you don't wanna get involved! She has dirt on you or she is smart or something but you definitely know her!" Brooklyn figured.

"Sure. Let's go to bed now," I suggested.

We walked over to her room and got under the blankets. We talked for a while before a blue light went on in the other room. We were freaked out and I was scared as heck because we were home alone.

Somehow, we ended up hiding with our heads under the blankets cuddled in a mangled ball. After I thought she was asleep, I whispered, "Goodnight Brooklyn." Moments later, she tiredly whispered it back.


I jolted awake and saw a flashing light. I carefully climbed over Riley and peered out of the window. It was storming ferociously.

The trees were swaying madly and there was lightning flashing every second, some streaks piercing the front lawn. I squeaked and ran back to my bed, shaking Riley awake.

"Ri, look!" Her eyes went wide and she jumped out of bed, following me over to the large window. We watched the storm for a long time, before a loud beep sounded from next to the bed. "It's my phone." Riley muttered and picked it up, reading the warning banner. "Oh god," She whispered, and shoved it into my hands. I read the banner and looked at her fearfully.


"Let's just watch some TV to get our minds off of it." I laughed uneasily. She nodded furiously and followed me down the stairs and into the living room on the right. We played an episode of Faking It. Halfway through, the TV powered off and the lamp beside us burned out. "We lost power." I croaked.

I heard sniffles beside me and grabbed Riley's hand. "Don't laugh at me," She whispered. "No, never." I replied, lacing our fingers.

"I'm s-scared of the dark," She whispered as a loud boom of thunder sounder and shook the house. We both yelped. "And I'm scared of storms!" I screamed as another cracked.

"P-Please get a flashlight o-or a candle!" Riley squeezed my hand tightly. "Yeah... a candle. Come on," I pulled her behind me slowly, and headed back up to my room. I felt around my dresser blindly and grabbed four candles. "Got 'em!" I whispered, handing Riley two of them.

We stumbled into the bathroom that was joint with my bedroom, and set the candles down on the countertop. "Matches?" Riley wondered, opening cabinets and feeling around them. "Got it," I handed her the match box.

After we lit the candles, we walked down to the kitchen to get a cup of tea. There were already a few cups left of hot water from before, so we didn't have the issue of making more. When we were done adding the tea bag and sugar to our mugs, we sat down at the table. Every time the thunder sounded, we both screeched.

Suddenly, I heard yelping from outside. "Did you hear that?" I whispered, a lump beginning to form in my throat. "Y-Yeah," Riley breathed.

I soundlessly stood up, grabbing a candle and walking over to the dining room window. I took a deep breath and peeked through the crack between the window and the curtains. I looked around the yard before spotting a tiny animal whimpering in the grass, soaked and alone, and probably terrified.

"It's a puppy!" I whisper-shouted. Riley ran over and looked out. "A little baby puppy! Come on, we have to save it." She grabbed my wrist and we ran over to the front door. "Of all nights to be home alone, why does it have to be this one?" I whimpered.

We unlocked the door and slipped outside, half drenched within seconds. "I'll shine this flashlight, you grab the dog." Riley said. I scoffed. "Fine."

I ran out into the grass and grabbed the shaking animal, and dashed back over to Riley. We turned around as a giant lightning bolt kissed the ground where I stood just moments ago. I choked up, and ran inside. Riley followed suit.

We toweled off the little fuzzy orange-red pup and wrapped him in a blanket. We discovered his gender whilst drying him. "What are you gonna name him?" Riley asked. I smiled and watched him run around the room. He discovered a Teddy Graham on the floor and ate it whole. We laughed at the little thing.

"His name is Teddy." I smiled.

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