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Brooklyn and I laid on a huge rock next to the pond. "Whatcha wish for?" I asked softly. "Nothing... its stupid." She replied. "Oh, come on, it's just a wish." I pressed.

"Fine. I wished that we could have tons more days like this, here, now? It's perfect."

At that moment, it felt like the universe had just shifted. And I felt closer to Brooklyn, like we had somehow universally shifted.

It was amazing. 

And then... nothing.

I felt like something amazing was gonna happen, but nothing did.

"Me too," I finally responded. We walked back to the house in silence, got redressed in our clothes for the next day, and watched some more Faking It. We ended up falling asleep on the couch with the TV playing.

I woke up on the couch laying next to Brooklyn, her warm, smooth arm was wrapped around me and lying on my chest. It was comforting and comfy, but as friends. She woke up after me, leaned back, and fell off of the couch and landed on the floor.

We both started laughing so hard that we couldn't breathe. Then, we got up and made tea and got two bowls of cereal.

I turned on the TV and started watching Once Upon a Time, my obsession. The other girls walked in and I realized we had basically forgotten about them.

Brooklyn got up and showed them their cereal options, then they joined us on the couch. Marylyn asked. "What are we watching?" And I replied, "Once Upon a Time."

"Whats that?" She asked, and I was about to pounce. "Okay, tiger, calm it." Brooklyn laughed. "Just explain. Don't kill me."

"Its the best TV show ever. It's my obsession, and you will be forced to watch it as my friend." I said with steam about to come out of my ears. "Sounds okay, I guess I'll check it out." Marylyn laughed.



When Marylyn and Evelyn left to go brush their teeth, I asked Riley to stay another night. She called her dad to ask, and he was totally cool with it.

That's how an hour later, we ended up in the shed outside of my house, climbing onto the four wheeler. "I'm driving," Riley smirked, sitting in front of me so that I was forced to move back. "No way!" I snapped, and crossed my arms playfully. Let's just say Riley doesn't take orders well.

Seconds later we were halfway down the driveway, smoke spewing from the exhaust, and the wind whipping our hair into our faces. The speed she had chosen was exhilarating, but it scared me. "Slow down!" I screeched, but she just sped up.

This was about the moment I began to beg the sweet Lord to let me live. My prayers must've been answered, because I didn't die. But, we did fly down a hill and hit a bump. I flew off of the back of the vehicle and tumbled into the tall grass, twisting my ankle in the process. I sat up, and cradled my foot.

Riley immediately ran over to me, crouching down and apologizing a mile a minute. "Screw you." I sighed. Then, we burst into a fit of giggles. "Am I really that bad of a driver that you felt the need to pray? And then you fell off!" Riley snorted. "You're the worst driver I've ever been with. Let's go back, but this time, I'm driving!"

Riley insisted on carrying me on piggyback over to the four wheeler even though I could've limped or hopped over myself. Once we were ready to head back, she timidly wrapped her arms around me and gave me a small smile. She probably thought I was going to go fast.

Which was an underestimate.


She continued on like this until I swerved into the shed and stopped so abruptly that we both lost our grip and tumbled off.

"You. Are. Insane." She panted. I nodded and hip checked her, walking back to the house with my head held high.

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