Hidden secrets #2

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The seven stared in awe.

An army - the biggest army they had ever seen in their entire lives - was charging. They where about 100 metres away but from where the seven were standing, you could see hundreds of thousands - maybe even millions - of them running to the battle ground.
A million agains Seven. Not fair play.
They were too distracted to see Percy melt to the ground - crouching, with his fingertips lightly pressed against the rough desert rock.

70 metres.
How in Hades are we going to battle that many?!?
We are all going to die...

Then the enemy stopped charging.
At first, the seven had no idea why but then they realised that the ground was shaking.
A fissure ran across the rock in between the two groups. With a loud crack!, the fissure opened wider and wider until there was a 700 metre long and 40 metre wide gap between the two groups.

"Oh my gods, Percy!" Annabeth yelled.

He was sprawled on the ground.
Everyone gathered around except for Hazel. She had her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes.

A daughter of Hades.
She cried as she felt a tingling sensation in the back of her brain.

The son of Poseidon had died and she had felt it as his soul was being banished to the Underworld.

One Shots [And Headcanons] Percabeth - Percy Jackson - Heroes Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now