Running Away

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You were in your room packing your things. You grabbed your
Old backpack and took out all of your school supplies and started to stuff your clothes in the bag
Quickly. You were running away with your boyfriend since your parents wouldn't let you be with him. because you were five months pregnant with his baby
Your parents were very disappointed in you
And disappointed in him.
And you wanted to be with him,the father of your baby
So you decided to run away with him. You exited out the back door when you were finished packing
You ran to your driveway
Justin's car was already there.
It was 12 AM, you hugged him and kissed him "I love you.." You said hugging him tightly.
He pulled away and said,
"I love you too, and come on let's go if they see you they'll take you away from me again and I can't let that happen..."he placed his hand on your stomach
You smiled and nodded
You both got in the car and drove off as he was driving your phone was ringing
It was your dad he was calling you.
You started to cry because
You were afraid that he might find you. "Hey baby look at me"
Justin said looking at you
Then back at the road
You looked at him
"It's going to be okay,sweetheart
You'll see them again soon."
He said
"But they will take me away again.." You frowned
"No they won't, I won't let him take you away from me again..
I want to be there for you when the baby is born.."
You wiped your tears away
He tried to calm you down
He drove out of the state
You were still freaking out in the inside
But you tried to stay calm
Because you finally get to be with the love of your life.

I hope you liked it!


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