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"Mom, dad waking up. Santa been here, he brought me lots of gifts!" Your 6 year old daughter Kierstyn yelled.

"Okay baby, we're up." Justin said as he got up from the bed.

"Come on, come on, come on!"


"Oh my gosh, look mom! Santa brought he a hoverboard!" Kierstyn yelled at you.

"I see that baby." You said, making a mental note to talk to Justin about that later.

*Later that night*

"Justin, why would you buy her a hoverboard. You know those things have been catching fire."

"She really wanted one, besides, she knows how to ride one. So she's not gonna get hurt or something."

"I swear Justin, that girl is spoiled."

"But she's my little princess, you can't blame me for it. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I bought you something."

*Necklace at the top*

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful baby."

"I thought you might like it."

"Aww I love it, thank you."

"Merry Christmas baby"

"Merry Christmas Jay."

Well a little something since its Christmas

Merry Christmas loves!

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