Dirty Bieber

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Credits : http://bieberz-gurl.tumblr.com/post/39234701303/dirty-bieber-imagine

Dirty Bieber Imagine!

You woke up and saw your boyfriend Justin sound asleep by your side. He looks so sweet when he's sleeping, you thought to yourself. He had come back from his tour yesterday and the two of you had had the most amazing night together watching movies. Nothing had happened but you wished so much that you had. You pictured the two of you together as one, sweating all-over each-other and moaning each-other's names. You slid your fingers down under the sheets and inside your already dripping wet panties. You circled them on your clit and slipped two of them inside you. You imagined that it was Justin inside you and you moaned his name. You pumped your fingers in and out until you reached your high.

"Justiiiiiinnnnnnnn" you moaned as you came. When you had finished your climax you saw Justin watching you with a smirk on his face.

"What?" you said "It's not like you've never masturbated before" you laughed.

"Yeah but you look so sexy when you do it" he purred and kissed you. When the two of you pulled away for air the two of you immediately went back for more. One by one all of the items of clothing you were wearing was quickly discarded to the floor until the two of you were naked.

"Your beautiful shawty" Justin whispered causing you to moan, you loved it when he called you that.

"Justin I want you" you whined and he brushed his lips against yours. Damn he was such a tease.

"How much do you want me baby?" he asked, teasing you.

"This much" you said grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling him closer, kissing him. He smirked into the kiss and slowly entered you. You tipped your head back in pleasure, breaking the kiss.

"God Justin you're huge" you yelled, digging your fingers into his back. He slowly slipped himself out and all the way in to make sure you were ready. He began thrusting.

"Shit Justin babe faster!" you moaned and he picked up the pace.

"Fuck (y/n) I'm close!" he moaned. He thrusted slower but twice as hard, constantly hitting your g-spot. "Fuck, fuck, fuck (y/nnnnnnn)" he moaned as he exploded inside you, his hot juices filling you in. He rode out his climax and kept thrusting until you reached your high. He watched you through your climax.

"Thanks babe" you said and pecked him on the lips. He pulled the sheets over the two of you and you cuddled together.

"Shawty?" Justin said, kissing your nose.

"Yeah" You giggled.

"Maybe you should masturbate more often" he laughed

"Maybe I should" you laughed and snuggled closer to him.

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