You go in labor

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You were nine months pregnant
With Justin's baby. You were having a baby boy, Justin was so excited! He couldn't wait to
Hold the baby in his arms and feed him and care for him.
He's been out all day. You asked him threw a text why he isn't home. He just replied saying that he couldn't tell you.
Pattie stopped by to take you shopping
In the car you were talking to her about Justin
"I don't Know where he is
y/n. I called and texted him but he wouldn't pick up" she sighed
You looked out the window and frowned you looked down at your
Stomach it was pretty big
You placed your hand on your belly and smiled
You felt him kick.
"What are you going to name him?" Pattie asked smiling
"Well I was thinking about naming
Him Drew"
"Drew? That's a cute name" she said
She pulled up at the mall she parked in the parking lot
You got out of the car and walked threw a mall entrance
Pattie followed
You looked around the store
You walked over to the baby section
And looked around the boy clothes
Pattie looked around too

Justin was at the house decorating
He's been planning on hosting a baby shower all week he invited all of your friends and his friends
He even invited your family and his family Fredo and scooter helped decorate
They bought a cake that a the words 'it's a boy' written in frosting

You were in the middle of looking at the cribs and baby clothes
Pattie was looking at the strollers
You felt a sharpen pain in your stomach you clutched your stomach
You nearly freaked out when
Some kind of liquid was running down your leg
"Oh my god.." You said
"PATTIE!!" You called out
Pattie ran over to you
"Y/N! What's wrong?" She asked
"I think my water just broke!"
Her eyes widened "come on let's go!" She helped you get out of the store and out into the parking lot
She opened the door for you
and helped you get in
She drove you to the hospital

Justin waited at the front door for guests to walk in
While scooter and Fredo were decorating
Your mom and dad walked in they greeted Justin

When you got to the hospital
You were immediately rushed to the ER "PATTIE CALL JUSTIN! I NEED JUSTIN!" You yelled
She called him and took him what was happening
While you in the middle of pushing
Justin walked in and kissed your forehead "baby I'm here are you okay?" He asked
You nodded "Ye-yeah
Ahh..." You said as you pushed
"Just push when you feel another contraction" the doctor instructed you nodded
You pushed a couple of more times you stopped when you heard a small cry you smiled
And panted
"He's here" Justin smiled and kissed your forehead "you did it! Baby!" He said you watched as they cleaned him
They handed him to you he was wrapped in a blue blanket
You held him in your arms
Justin smiled
"Hey little boy" you kissed the newborns forehead
"Hey Drew" Justin stroked Drew's cheek with his thumb
"Do you want to hold him?" You asked Justin nodded you carefully handed him Drew
He held him and kissed his forehead "I love you so much!Drew" Justin said smiling
He looks at you and says
"Yeah?" You ask
"I want more kids" he said
You laughed "Just wait babe
We have to wait until he's older"

Justin holding babies is so cute


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