Telling him your pregnant

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- Telling him your pregnant

Two weeks you've knowed. Safe to say your really excited about having a baby. You just don't know how Justin is gonna react about it. You've read about pregnancies and watched videos on child birth. It seems pretty painful.

You've tried dropping hints , but Justin just doesn't catch on. The only thing you haven't tried is telling him "there's a bun in the oven "and writing " Your gonna be a daddy" on your stomach in red lipstick.

* After dinner *

" Um, Justin, I have something to tell you. "

" Are you breaking up with me ? "

" No "

" Are you cheating on me? "

" No, it's nothing bad. Its just um, its just that I'm pregnant.

" Wait, your pregnant?"

" Yes."

" Oh my god, oh my god! I'm gonna be a dad and your gonna be a mom! This is so exciting. "

" I thought you were gonna be mad. "

" Mad,babe I couldn't be any happier."

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