He cheats part 3

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A week went by Justin has stopped sending flowers.
He stopped texting you, he stopped getting Fredo to convince you to take him
Back. He just gave up.
Which made you regret
Saying good bye.
You missed him so much
You went over to his house
You knocked on the door, you were so nervous.
Fredo answered the door
"Hey y/n..." He said

"Hi Fredo, how are you?" You asked nervously

"Um I'm good..if you came here to see Justin..he's in his room he won't come out. He won't eat or
Sleep. He looks horrible.."
He explained you nodded
He let you come inside

He took you upstairs to Justin's room you knocked on the door
He wouldn't answer so Fredo opened the door for you

You walked inside
He closed they door behind you
"Go away scooter.." Justin groaned
"Justin.." You said
Justin sat up his hair was a mess
His eyes were red and puffy
"Y/n.." He said

You smiled "hey.."
He raised one eye brow "what are you doing here?" He asked

"I came here to apologize I'm sorry for telling you to go away and stop talking to me...I didn't know what I've done until..I went home I really miss you..and I still think you..and Justin...I love you..so much..I'm sorry for breaking up with you..I-I should have let you explain" you said as tears formed in your eyes
He got up and hugged you
You hugged back
"I love you too.." He said
You smiled he pulled away and stroked your cheek lovingly with his thumb
He pressed his pink plump lips against yours and kissed you


Hey! This is part 3
I can't leave you guys on a cliff hanger so yeah!
I'm not that cruel ;-;

I hoped you liked it!!

I'm still taking requests!
So Dm if you want a requests

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