Fight/ Pt.2

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Y/n P.O.V

I can't believe he just said that. I know I forgot to pick him up,but he didn't have to go all out with it. I already have a lot of pressure on myself. The hate, him not being here,its just too much.

I'll just wait and play flappy bird til Justin gets back.....

*3 hours later* (spongebob voice😂😂)

Justin is still not back. I've been calling and texting him. I called Pattie to see if she has heard from him. Which she hasn't. I'm starting to get worried.

Justin's P.O.V

After leaving, I went to the park to clear my head. I know I was wrong but, how could she forget to pick me up. I haven't seen her in 9 months.. One minute she misses and is ready for me to come home,then she just completely forgets about me. I love y/n. I really do but sometimes I worry about her. I think the distance between us is getting to her.

I should be getting back, y/n is probably worried about me. Its been 3 hours. I better go home.

Y/n P.O.V

30 minutes of calling and texting Justin he finally comes back.

Justin's P.O.V

I walk in the house and see Y/n sitting on the couch

"Look y/n I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Please forgive me."

"Justin, no, I'm sorry. I should have picked you up. I'm was stupid, I hadn't seen my boyfriend in 9 months and forgot to pick him up from the airport. I'm sorry."

"No, baby your not stupid. I'm really sorry."

" It's ok, I forgive you."


Well it's been a long time. I finally finished it....

What do you guys think I should write next??

Stay strong, I love you all!! 😘😘

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