He leaves

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Imagine for BizzleAmeezyImagines 

You were laying on the couch waiting for Justin to come home from Tour. It was 11PM
He was supposed to come at 7
You got tired of waiting so you went to bed. Thinking that
Maybe you'll see him tomorrow.
When you woke up in the morning he wasn't sleeping next to you.
You checked your phone he didn't text or call.
You signed and got up
And walks into the bathroom to take a shower after you showered and got dressed you went down stairs for some breakfast
There was a knock at the door
You walked over to the door and opened it Justin
Was standing there
"Babe!" You hugged him
He hugged you back
You kissed his cheek
You pulled away and smiled
"Why didn't you come home last night?" You asked wrapping your arms around his neck
" um about that..
Allarah.. Look we need to talk"
You pulled away
He walked inside and sat down on the couch.
You sat next to him
"The reason why I didn't come home is because..I've been seeing someone."
"What..." Your eyes were now all watery
"Who is it?" You asked
"It's Selena" he said
"She came to one of my concerts and apologized for cheating on me..and I accepted her apology
She needs me babe she told me that she is pregnant with my child!"
You yelled in tears
"Allarah I am so sorry..I didn't even know!"Justin snapped

"Justin just get out!" You yelled
He sighed and got up and left
A few months later
There was a knock at your door
You were watching a movie in the living room with your bestfriend
You walked over to the door and opened it
It was Justin "what do you want?" You asked sternly
"I came to apologize" he said
"I'm sorry for leaving you for her...was horrible
I am so sorry baby...please forgive me I want you back..more then anything!" He begged
You looked at your friend Kyle who was watching the whole thing while eating popcorn
You looked back at Justin
"What about your baby?"
I asked "she lied she only did it so that I could take her back and leave you.."
You couldn't help but hug and kiss him "I'm glad you came back..."

"Me too baby girl, me too"

I'm sorry that this took a while


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