Chapter 11: 20 Questions

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Ok, I did not think that I was going to have so much fun today!! It might be because when I went to the mall with the plastics the only thing we did was buy clothes we didn't need and check out the guys who worked there. Instead of that, me and Lily went to a couple stores, bought ice cream and went to the movies. It was awesome!!

A lot of time had passed and it was almost 6pm. We started heading to the parking lot to get my car when Lily broke the silence. "Want play 20 questions?" "Sure!" Lily went first. She kept asking me questions and suddenly Lily asked "Do you like someone?" I froze. I didn't know if I liked Pj or not, but now that I thought about it, I kind of did. Lily smirked. "Who is it?" " not sure if I want to tell you." "Why? Don't you trust me?" "I do trust you, but I am not even sure if I like him yet. I mean, I just me-". Oh shit. "Is he from the Fantastic Foursome??" "....yes." Lily giggled. "Who?" "I...don't want to tell you. Sorry." "Aww, a little shy are we?" ", I'm afraid he might have a girlfriend" "None of them have a girlfriend" "Really?" I said with my hopes up. "You are a hopeless romantic aren't you?" Our phones buzz at the same time. I open it. KickthePj has just uploaded a new video. I smirked. Lily saw me and she said "OMYGAUD I KNEW IT!!" Yelling, the sound of her voice echoing through the whole place. We both giggle at that. "Shut up! Please don't tell anyone" I say, kind of desperately this time. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me".

After THAT happened, we found my car and drove for 30 minutes to my place. Lily gets out of the car and grabs some of the bags with our shopping in them and sprints upstairs. I take the bags that were left, lock the car and get in. I see Annabella looking at me with her creepy face, not smiling this time but staring at me like if I had burned her house down. I have no idea what is up with her.

I unlocked the door and we both place bags on the table and go to sit on the couch. "It was amazing today!! I've never had so much fun with the boys, as they make me look at them and rate the clothes they want to buy, uch" I giggled at that. Lily starts talking again "You know, I was thinking, maybe we should move in together. You know, as roommates." "Omg, I was just thinking that. My parents want me to have roommates and you are perfect for it. You can move here and get the spare room" "I can be annoying sometimes though" "Oh trust me, I have coped with things a lot more annoying than you" "Like?" "My brother, Jack" "Ok then how about I prove to you that I am more annoying than him?" "How?" Lily sits straight and looks at me with a serious face. She starts tickling me. For defense, I take a pillow and throw it at her. "Hey!!" "Hey you!!" now that she was distracted I start tickling her. After 10 minutes of "fighting" we stop, tears from laughter on our cheeks. "Ok, you are now proven as the most annoying person ever. You happy?" I say, trying to catch my breath. "If I move in here, then yes." "Ok, you are moving then."

End of Chapter 11
(607 words)

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