Chapter 18: Did he just try to...

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"Hey guys" Phil says giving us all a smile that fills the room with either anxiety or happiness. For me it was the first one. I don't feel comfortable right now...I feel like the walls are suffocating me. Pj notices that and as I'm about to faint he stands behind me and holds my waist so I can keep standing. "Make room" he says with his amazing voice and everyone gets up from the couch. "Are you okay?" the words now sound like if I was in a tunnel trying to make out what the others say at the end of it. I point at the window. Lily rushes to it and opens it. As clear air fills my lungs, I start feeling a lot better. Only the fact that everyone is crowded around me makes it worse. As if he was reading my mind, Pj says "Move away, she needs some clear air" and everyone except from him leaves the room. As much as I try not to, my eyes flutter close.

After a while, I try to open them but I'm blinded by the light. Pj sees that and turns off the light. I open my eyes to see Pj standing close. Very close. Dangerously even. "Hi" I say ironically and he laughs. "Even almost fainted you still have your humor" He says and we both laugh this time. We stare at each other's eyes. I have never had the time to observe them so closely. They are green with a very small hint of blue. Suddenly, I see him come closer and closer, until...

Cockblocked. By the one and only Dan.

"Hey gu-" Pj immediately gets up and walks up to him like nothing happened. "Hey Dan, what's up?" "Umm I just came up to check on you guys. It's been ten minutes..." "Well, she just woke up, but I think she needs a bit help to get up" I see Pj offering his hand. I take it and get up. Was he going to kiss me? Do I even like him? Oh of course you like him, he just doesn't like you back. Oh shut up you stupid insecurities.

We start walking towards the kitchen, me stumbling around as I am still feeling very nauseous. At least I have Pj by my side to hold me so I don't fall again. We enter the room where Phil, Chris and Lily are casually talking, Chris looking nervous while Phil and Lily are trying to break the ice or cheer him up. As soon as Chris sees me, he stands up and comes over to me."Omygod are you alright?? I was so worried omg are you hurt or som-" "Chris just relax, I'm fine" I cut him off and he leans in and whispers "Good, because you are carrying my biggest secret around and I don't want you telling everyone" I giggle and Lily gives me a confused but suggestive look. OK, now everyone thinks I like Chris. Yay.

End of chapter 18.
(507 words)

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