Chapter 28: Stop!

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As soon as we left the room, I got a call. Pj calling... "I should take this" I said to Hannah and went to the bathroom.


"Hey Y/n, it's Pj. Can we meet up somewhere?"

"Okay. Where? The park?"

"Sure. Can it be in fifteen minutes?"

"Okay, Seeya later!!"


Great. I should go pick up some money from my apartment and then I'll be off to there.

"Hey Hannah? I have to go. It was nice speaking with you. Seeya later?"

"Sure, I'll show you out."

I went to my apartment, put on a jacket as it was chilly out tonight, grabbed some cash and walked out.

Fifteen minutes later...

I was sitting on a bench. The bench I met them all the first time. Suddenly, I saw two girls coming up to me. They were both grinning like crazy, and one of them asked if I was Y/n. I said yes and they squealed. Weird.

"Sorry, we are just big fans!! Do you mind taking a picture with us?"



"Um, yeah, sure!"

We took some pictures.

Okay, not some. Like a million. I cannot believe that someone would be so excited to see me. They even hugged me and kissed my cheek!!

Suddenly, Pj showed up. The girls squealed like crazy, and I wondered if that was normal.

They hugged him, took pictures with him and kissed his cheek. Is that how it goes?

After a while, they left. Pj spoke up first.

"Well, that was fun."

"Yeah, it was. Anyways, let's sit down."

We sat and shared awkward glances for a while. I was about to ask him what he called me here for, but he spoke up first.

"Are you dating Dan?" He asked, his voice sounding king of sad.

What?! Where did that come from?

"What? No! Of course not!! What are you talking about?!"

"Chris told me that Lily told him that. She said that to me tonight."

Wait a second...

Did Lily never even know I was Arrow?!

How did I think that so wrongly?!

Stupid, stupid, stupid... I mumbled under my breath. Am I that much of n idiot?


"I'm sorry, it's nothing... and no, I'm not dating Dan..."

Stupid, stupid, stupid...

"Are you sure you are okay?"



Stupid, stupid, stupid...

Am I actually passing out next to Pj again? Why does this always happen?


I felt Pj lying me down on the bench...

He raised my legs up... smart move...

I think he is calling an ambulance, I'm not sure... everything is blurry...

I woke up.

I saw a creature jumping on my bed. It was Jack. Hah...

I went downstairs. My parents were wishing me a happy birthday. My mum gave me the tickets...

I went into my room and made a video...


This is not real...

This has already happened...

This is not real...

I woke up again. The room was pitch black. I saw an old lady coming towards me...

I knew exactly who she was.

End of chapter 28.

What is going on? Who is this granny anyways??

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