Chapter 27: Bad?

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I have done almost everyone's POV. Guess which one is missing ;)


As soon as we reached her place, we started banging on the door. I noticed that Dan and Phil weren't with us, probably because they are slow when they run. Hannah decided to go home to check on Ashley.

Chris was next to me and was ringing the bell. The annoying buzzing sound was echoing through the small hall. Chris started shaking, sadness filling his eyes. He stopped ringing the bell.

"It is all my fault." Is all he said. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat on the floor next to him.

"What do you mean?"

"It's, erm, about something I haven't actually told you…" Chris said and started speaking.

Dan's POV

I think I've gotten worse at running. I finally reached the building and groaned mentally as I saw the not working sign up the elevator's door. I started walking upstairs as I heard Chris and Pj have a conversation.

"I really like him Pj and I don't know what to do…"

"Look, I don't think (Y/n) is dating him, okay? Maybe whoever told you that lied to you?"

"I don't even know anymore…"

"Hey now, cheer up. You may have a chance with him. I mean, he does seem gay as hell".

"True, but-"

"No buts. You have to tell Dan you like him".

Wait, me?!

He likes me?!

Is this (Y/n)'s doing?

I walked up to the guys. "Hi." I said breathlessly, as I sat on the ground next to Chris. "Where's Phil?" Pj asks, kind of worried.

"Oh, I don't know, probably coming here" I said, still thinking about what Pj said. He actually likes me?!

Phil and Lily came up to us. "Check out your phones," he said, sounding quite happy.

We all open our phones. I couldn't believe it. Arrow made an upload. But the thumbnail had (Y/n)'s face on it.

"Guys? Did you see it too?" Hannah said, coming out of her apartment door.

We opened the video. And we were all in tears by the end of it.

Chris got up and rang the bell once again.

And this time she opened it.

We all came in, hugging her as she hugged us back.

And at that moment, we all felt in peace.

Lily's POV

I hugged her, pretending not to be so disgusted by her.

I was very surprised. I was living with the ArrowTheGeek all along?

I could use this against her. I could say that she is a very good liar. And I could turn Pj against her.

"Pj?" I said as everyone was talking to (Y/n).

"Yeah?" Is all he said.

"I need to tell you something later. Remind me, okay?"

"Umm, okayyy…"

It's been a long day, without you my friend. Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again…

We just spent the whole day in. It was around 6:30 right now, and everyone was leaving. (Y/n) told me that she was going to go to Hannah's place tonight to help with Ashley. Now, it was just me, her, Chris and Pj.

Chris was talking to (Y/n) and I was going to talk to Pj.

"Hey Pj, let me tell you a small thing…"

He got up and dragged Chris out of the door. "What was that?" Y/n basically asked herself. "Anyways, I got to go. See ya tonight, Lily."

"See ya later."

But what they didn't know was that this was only the beginning.

Your POV

Going out of the door and heading to Hannah's, I wondered about PJ's strange behavior. Was it because of me? Or even Lily? But why would Lily say something that would make him leave? My poor smol bean.

I like him so much, but lately with everything that has been going on, I haven't had the time to be with him. I should focus on what Jack said and think about me from time to time. All I've been doing lately was try and get them all to date.

I was never even fond of relationships, what changed that now?

Pj. Pj and his angelic voice, Pj and his amazing eyes and their greenish, blueish, yellowish colour. Pj and his everything…

"Hey (Y/n)!! Ready for a night with Ash and his sickness? I sure am... hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff."

"About the whole coming out thing?"

"No, actually no..."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Sure, why not…"

I told her everything about Lily, ignoring the fact that I like Pj and that Chris likes Dan. She thought about it for a minute, and when she started saying something, we heard coughing from Ashley's bedroom.

We got up and went there, only to see him trying to stand up and leaning against the wall. He seemed really pale, but as he is stubborn, kept trying to walk out.

"Ashley, sit down."

"Can't, I have to go to the show..."

"Ash, you are sick, just lie down and relax."

"Fine," he said, dragging the I of It.

He dropped himself on the bed and passed out.

Hannah sighed. "He seems to be getting worse," she said with a trembling voice. What? What is going on?

Is it just a flu or...

Something worse?

End of chapter 27.
(897 words).

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