Chapter 16: Collab Time!

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"Hey Arrow,

So I was wondering when are we doing this collab because you said in a week has been a week. I was thinking maybe we could do a quiz I found. I will send you the link later. Are you free today?


I totally forgot about that!! How could I this is like my first collab. I send him a message.

"Hey Dan,

I was just about to make a video. Good thing you messaged me because I have an idea for a video on my channel. Maybe we can use your idea for your channel. My idea is to do a google myself but it might be kind of weird...I don't know. If you want, we can start filming right now!!


Dan messaged me a reply after 5 minutes saying that he was ok with that so I told him what my skype account was. He soon after got in contact with me and I was done placing the green screen behind me so that he could use it for his video, like Matthias and Jacksepticeye did. I started a Skype call.

"Hi Dan!" I said trying to make a bit of a different voice so that he wouldn't be able to recognize me. "Hi Arrow. Wow, this feels so weird." I giggled. "Yep, It kind of does." We started talking until half an hour had passed. "Hey Dan? I think we have spent a lot of time talking. Maybe we should start filming now." "Oh yeah right. Soo what are we doing first?" "I don't know what do you want to do?" I ask. He thinks a bit and says "Let's film your video first" "Ok" "Dan?" I hear in the background. "Yeah?" "I am going to Lily's place" "Ok, see you later" Ohhh shit. Please don't tell me that Lily's place means our place. Thank god I told Lily to not bother me. "Hey Arrow are you alright? You look kind of off" "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thought I heard my roommate call me." "Oh so you have a roommate? What is his name" "Her name is-" Oh crap. I couldn't say her name, he would recognize!! "Arrow?" "Ok can you wait for a second I think there's something going on" I say and close the microphone. "I hear him sigh and get up to go and open the door. How did Phil get here so fast? Then I look at my clothes. Oh shit. I quickly remove my hoodie to reveal the t-shirt I was wearing before. I remove my mask and hat and head out the room. I open the door and see Phil standing with a smile. "Hi Phil! Come in!" He enters and I whisper to him "Lily is in her room. Knock first" and then head in my room. I put my stuff on again and open my microphone. "Sorry I kept you waiting, my roommate's boyfriend just came. Shall we begin recording?"

Everything after that went pretty well. The quiz was about a zombie apocalypse and if I would survive it. Dan "would die on the first day" and I "would survive for a week" anyway we had fun and that is what matters, right? We said our goodbyes and then closed the call. I then took all the footage and send it to Dan, so he could start editing.

I decided to check my YouTube channel. I opened up the site and saw how many subscribers I had. To be honest, I have no idea what to do for the 10mil subscriber video. Maybe you should do a face reveal... oh shush me, don't be stupid. Why not? Everybody wants to know who you are... yeah but what about the fame? I don't want it to affect the way people see me... I won't have any real friends. I will be betrayed again; like before.

I have 9.953.748 subscribers... What am I going to do?

End of chapter 16.

(648 words)

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