Chapter 3

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The elevator dinged and he stepped off. I followed without a word. It was eerily quiet. Then I knew why. We were in the morgue. The doors slid open automatically and I noticed the older man was telling a story to a younger gentleman.

"...Mr. Palmer..." He turned around as we walked in. "Ah... Jethro, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He looked at me. "Why hello, my dear. My name is Donald Mallard. You can call me Ducky." I shook his hand.

"Alex Wright." I replied politely.

"A lovely name for a lovely lady. This is my assistant Jimmy Palmer." I shook his assistant's hand as well and he gave a curt nod. They are very gentlemen like. Ducky turned back to Gibbs expectantly.

"Just showing our newest memeber around." He said.

"Ah. I see. So you are the newest addition to NCIS?" Ducky asked.

"Yes, sir, I am."

"Have you met our Miss Schuto yet?" He inquired.

Gibbs shook his head. "Not yet, Duck. It's next on the list." Gibbs turned and began to walk out of autopsy. Sending a wave to Ducky and Jimmy. I smiled and followed quickly.

"Do speak with me later, Jethro!" Ducky called.

"Will do!" And with that said we were back in the elevator. Gibbs didn't hit the switch again but waited for the doors to slide open and stepped out.

First thing I noticed was the loud Metal/Screamo music playing and filling the hall with waves. For real? In a work enviroment? Interesting?

"Abby! Turn down that music!" Gibbs yelled over the noise. There was no reply, but the music died away. A Goth girl with dark black pigtails stepped out of the back room, smiling brightly.

"Gibbs!" She squeeled and hugged him. He appeared unfazed and simply hugged her back.

"Abby, this is Alex Wright. Alex this is Abigail Schuto. She is our newest member." He told her.

Abby's face lit up more, if that was even possible and she threw herself on me. I hugged her back awkwardly. She giggled as Gibbs pulled her away.

"We have to go, Abby." He said.

She frowned, but nodded.

I followed and up the elevator we went. He led me back to the bullpen and motioned to the desk between his and Ziva's. "Welcome to the family." With that said he sat down at his desk. I sat, glancing at each of my new team. Tim shrugged. Ziva chuckled. Tony smiled.

I smiled back and took out the few pictures I brought with me. I couldn't help but smile more. I was now an agent at NCIS.

I sat the picture of Jacob and me down , next to it I put my photo of Connor in uniform, and last but not least I placed the photograph of Richard, Jonny, and me shoving eachother and smiling.

"Boyfriend?" Tony asked picking up the photo of Jacob and me.

I shook my head. "No, that's my brother Jacob."

"So... no boyfriend?" He asked with a grin.

"No boyfriend..." I took the photograph and put it back down on my new desk.

He smiled. "How does a girl like you not have a boyfriend?"

"How does a guy like you ever get a date?" I ask confidently.

Tony pretended to be offended. Tim and Ziva burst out laughing. Gibbs once again smacked Tony on the back of the head. Tony winced.

"Leave her alone, DiNozzo." Gibbs stated. He said it with a smirk.

Tony slinked away in defeat. I just smiled.

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