Chapter 5

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Gibbs and McGee took the van while I rode in the back of the midnight blue mustang with Tony and Ziva. Tony was driving. He and Ziva argued about it at first, but he said her driving would only scar me. He won the argument when he declared seniority. Now they were fighting over who knows what. This team is like one big happy family. Though they are not always happy.

I was out of the car before Tony could even put it in park. Ugh my head! I went up to McGee and gave him a serious look. "Can I ride back with Gibbs?"

He chuckled. "Understandable."

"Is that a yes?" I called as he walked away.

He nodded as he continued to laugh.

We stepped unto the ship and were greeted by Ducky.

"Hello, Jethro." He greeted curtly.

"Duck." He replied. "McGee, surveillance video." He said pointing at a camarra. "DiNozzo, bag and tag. Ziva, talk to witnesses." They all dispersed.

I stood there next to Gibbs. I didn't know what to do.

"Time of death?" Gibbs asked Ducky.

"I presume early this morning." Ducky said putting away the thermometer. He pulled out a wallet and gave it to Gibbs.

"Petty Officer Matthew Clarke." Gibbs read out loud.

*Two hours later*

We had just got back to NCIS. Gibbs was speaking with Ducky while we were all typing at our computers. Tony looked at me and McGee and smirked. "It's like battle of the computer nerds!" Ziva chuckled. McGee glared at Tony.

"Always full of jokes, DiNozzo?" I asked not bothering to look up at him. I was getting somewhere...

Gibbs reappeared, slapped Tony's head and stated. "Not what your paid for, DiNozzo." Tony rubbed his head.

"What do you have?" Gibbs asked.

They all jumped up at once and looked at the plasma to see who could share first. I didn't even bother standing up, but I already had a grin on my face. I started to explain as I continued to work.

"Petty Officer Matthew Clarke. Born March 4, 1973. Married to Elizebeth Clarke with three children. He was stationed on the S.S Chicago one month ago. He was sent to investigate something in a classified file." I said all this without looking at the plasma.

"McGee, unclassify the document."

McGee dropped into his chair. "On it..."

"Already done..." I said putting it up. "He was sent to investigate the use and distribution of drugs on the ship. His job was to find the users and dealers."

Tony was laughing at a shocked McGee, earning a slap from Gibbs. "What else you got?"

"His most recent update listed two names of who he suspected, an Ethan Campbell and Joseph Montreal."

"Pick up Campbell!" Gibbs ordered. Tony and Ziva took off. "Gotta be faster, McGee." Gibbs said before leaving to talking with Abby.

Thirty minutes later Tony and Ziva returned and escorted Campbell to interrogation. Gibbs tapped my desk.

"Yesh?" I looked up and smirked at the look on his face. He motioned for me to follow. So I did.

He led me to interrogation and stopped in front of a door. "I'm not going to ask you to interrogate, not yet at least. I just want you to observe." I nodded and he opened the door. He held it open and I entered. I went to the back wall and stood out of the way.

"Do you know this man?" Gibbs asked, throwing down a photograph of Clarke.

"Yeah. Why?" Campbell demanded.

Gibbs leaned forward on the table. "I ask because he's dead."

Campbell's eyes widened. "Woah man." He rubbed his nose. "I had nothin' to do with that."

Gibbs said something I didn't quiet catch. I was too focused on Campbell. The under part of his nose was raw and blistered. Silently I pulled my phone out not sure how Gibbs would react. As if he had eyes on the back of his head, he turned around and looked at me. I sighed and ignored him. He was after all the person I was messageing. I entered his number and typed out the message quickly:

He's not our guy. He's too shaky, like he's tweaking. Also his nose is raw. He is using, but not dealing.

I hit send and waited. Gibbs' phone buzzed and he picked it up. I'm assuming he read it twice, since he looked at me and then back at his phone.

"We don't think you killed him, Ethan." I said. Gibbs looked at me again. Campbell looked as if he just saw me in the room for the first time.

"Y-you don't?" He asked confused.

"We don't." Gibbs confirmed, giving me a look. He nodded for me to take over. So I did.

"Then why am I here?"

I smiled kindly. "We are hoping you could answer a few questions. Would that be okay?"

"Yeah... I guess." He said relaxing.

I had him right where I wanted him.

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