Chapter 7

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*5:30 am*

I sat down at my desk and worked on the files I had taken from Tony. Once I got them done, I finished my report on our last case. I had been here since one this morning. I was already heading out the door by the time I got the second message. I planned on coming to do a search, but came up empty handed. It was a burner cell.

I saw Gibbs come up the elevator and this time I startled him.

"Hey." My voice cracked. My troat was more dry than I realized. I took a swig of water and cleared my throat.

"What are you doing here?" He asked putting his stuff under his desk.

"Felt like getting stuff out of the way." I shrugged but it looked more awkward than carefree.

"You want to get some coffee?" He asked, now standing in front of my desk.

"I don't drink coffee." I said dryly. Oops...

He shook his head. "I don't care. Get up. No offense, but you look like hell." He pulled me up from my desk and I groaned.

He drove us to a small cafe and ordered us coffee. We sat down which, even in my current state of mind, I could tell he didn't usually do this.

"So, why does a Marine not drink coffee?" He asked sitting in front of me.

I rubbed my tired eyes and tried not to yawn. I really hope I don't look as bad as I feel. "It's because of my father." I said it slowly since I was more focused on ignoring the smell of the coffee on the table in front of me.

Gibbs took a drink of his coffee and waited for me to explain it more.

"My father always smelled like two things. Booze and coffee. So I don't drink alcohol and I've never bothered with coffee." He was good...

Gibbs nodded. "So you weren't close with him?"

I shook my head. "No. We had a rough past."

"We?" He quizzed.

"My brothers and I. Our mom died when I was eight, Jacob was ten, and Connor was sixteen. My dad would drink before but after she died he started to abuse the bottle. Though that's not the only thing he abused." I muttered the last part, I didn't mean to say it, but Gibbs face said he heard it. I acted like I didn't see it. "My brother Connor left the day he turned eighteen and never looked back; he joined the Marines. Jacob and I had to stick it out for four more years."

"Four years?"

I nodded. "We graduated the same year. I was fourteen and Jacob was sixteen. We got a lawyer so we could live on our own. Bought a small house and did the best we could. It wasn't easy. We both had two jobs and when he turned seventeen he joined the Navy. He wanted to make sure I went to college. I finished when I was seventeen and joined the Marines the next day. I went active duty and so did Jacob. We quit our jobs and moved on base. We never saw Connor or heard from him until my last tour. He was sent back and Johnathan Bourke was sent in his place. Never heard from him since." I shrugged. I never told anyone about this stuff. For some reason it all just flowed out.

Gibbs looked at me intently. The sympathy had never left his eyes since he heard about the abuse, but he dropped it. "Let's head back." He learned so much more about me then I intended to share, but some how telling him helped.

*7:30 am* 3rd Person P.O.V*

No one was at the office when Gibbs and Alex had returned. Of course Gibbs dissappeared to where he always does in the mornings and Alex sat alone in the bullpen. She had drank the coffee on the way back, no longer plagued by the thoughts of her father, but of how Gibbs had listened.

The coffee did no good for Alex. The moment she put her head down she was unaware of the world around her. Tony, Ziva, and McGee all came in together. Tony and McGee were arguing while Ziva was mumbling in hebrew at their actions. They all froze when they saw Alex out cold at her desk.

"Long night?" Tony asked, but Alex didn't even stur.

"Apparently." Ziva observed as she sat at her desk.

Tony and McGee also sat down. "What should we do? You know how Gibbs gets..." McGee trailed off when he saw the smirk on Tony's face.

"We wait." Tony stated reaching for a file. They weren't there. He looked up and saw that McGee and Ziva had the same confused look on their face. In place of their files they found a note. Each had their own note, but they all had the same sender. Alex had finished their paper work, even Gibbs'.

They all looked at eachother and then at Alex, who was sleeping soundlessly. The man with the mail cart arrived and looked at the name on the envelope, confused. He had never seen it before.

"I need a signiture for an Alexandra Wright?" It was more of a question then anything else.

"Wake her up." Tony hissed at Ziva. Ziva started to stand, but Gibbs walked in.

"I'll sign." The man didn't question Gibbs and simply handed the clipboard to him. Gibbs signed and gave it back. The man handed him the small envelope and left without another word. Gibbs looked at his team and appeared irratated. "Grab your gear. We have a dead Marine." They hesitated. "Now!"

*Alex's P.O.V*

My head shot off my desk when I felt someone shake me. Gibbs took a step back, giving me space. Then it dawned on me. Gibbs just woke me up...

"Gibbs, I'm so s... I didn't mean to fall asleep."

He looked at me and shook his head. He handed me the coffee in his hand and Tony stared at Gibbs. I saw something in his other hand and I tried not to flip out.

"Where did you get that?"

Gibbs held out the envelope. "Just came in. Now grab your stuff." He said calmly.

I shoved the envelope in my pocket with my phone and got my bag. I followed the rest of the team to the elevator. They all just looked at me.

"Did I miss something?"

*Crime Scene*

I rode with Gibbs to the scene and told him several times I would get him another coffee. Everytime he would just shake his head and laugh.

Gibbs and Tony went to go talk with Ducky. McGee and Ziva went to talk with the witnesses. I walked into the warehouse and started to bag and tag.

I took a photo of the crushed phone and quickly bagged it, making sure to get everything. I finished gathering what little evidence there was and turned to see Ducky hand Tony a wallet. There was strange look on his face and he turned and looked right at me. I saw the body and I couldn't believe it.

"Name Tony!" Gibbs demanded.

Tony continued to stare at me. "Connor Wright..."

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