Chapter 9

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*At the apartment*

I walked into the apartment and was greeted by darkness. I searched for the lightswitch but it wouldn't turn on. I sighed. I forgot to get the new fuse. I went to the breaker box and flipped the switch.

I went to the door to shut it, but froze.


Jacob was at drill...

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife from the butcher block. I threw it towards the footsteps as I turned around.

It went into the center of his chest.

I ran to my desk and worked fast. Something told me he wasn't alone.

I split the flashdrive down the middle and took out the memory stick. I took the golden heart locket and hid the memory stick behind the picture of us as kids.


A crash came from my room and I jumped as the gun was fired. Pain shot through my shoulder and ran its way down my arm.

"Don't shoot! We need her alive!"

I faced six men and only had one option.


I went for the fire escape and unlocked the window. Not a moment later I was grabbed.

I elbowed my attacker and spun around, punching him in the face. I grabbed the nearest object, the lamp, and threw it at the window.


It shattered and I ran for it.

I got halfway to window when I stumbled, slipping on the blood on the floor. A mix between mine and my attacker's. I quickly got up, dodged the guy trying to grab me, and grabbed the window sill. I ignored the glass that dug into my palms and hoisted myself up.

Someone grabbed my leg and flipped me over, the glass now cutting into my lower back. I put my hands on the outside of the top window to prevent myslef from being drug back into the apartment. I kicked the guy as hard as I could. My foot connected with his chest and the air escaped his lungs in a whosh. I didn't hesitate pulling myself all the way onto the fire escape.

I used the railing to jump down each flight of stairs. I dropped to my knees and fought with the latch that held the ladder in place. My bloody hands struggling to get a grip on it. I got it to drop and smirked. My smile dissappeared when I saw they were coming down the fire escape.

"Get her!"

I started down the ladder, but felt a hand grab my wrist and start to pull me up. I hit him in the jaw and he lost his grip on me. Big Mistake.

Nothing else was keeping me in place. I dropped two stories directly on my shoulder. There was a sickening crack and I hissed in pain. I tired to get up, but I couldn't. As a lost dodge attempt I tossed the locket under the fire escape. Then everything went black.

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