Chapter 12

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Josie vetoed my decision to lock Ryan in the basement. I glare at him as Josie administers the necessary first aid for his mildly frostbitten fingers.

Serves him right.

He winces as they hit the room temperature water and I can't help the smirk that lifts up one side of my mouth.

"What are you smiling at?" he demands and Josie's eyebrows pull together. I know she doesn't like us fighting, but God, Ryan is so aggravating.

Possibly because he doesn't make any effort to hide the things that make him so weak. And that's not how I know to be.

"Karma," I throw back at him.

"Jack, Ryan – do I have to put you boys in time out?" Josie asks, putting her hands on her hips.

And just like that she makes us look petty and small. That's something I can appreciate. After a thousand years of not looking like anything to anyone – it's nice to be seen. And Josie sees everything.

I'm beginning to wonder if my preoccupation with her is unhealthy.

I stand up. "It's a little crowded in here," I announce and head off toward my room, even though I just want to stay and watch Josie and listen to her uncannily brilliant observations.

What is wrong with me?

"Jack," Josie calls my name and it makes my gut clench and I turn around with a thickness in my throat that I can't swallow down.

"Yes?" I ask, arching an eyebrow as if that will hide the way that my eyes trace the curve of her lips and other, lower curves.

"Thank you for saving him," she says with absolute sincerity.

I wonder if you have to be human to be that sincere. Or if it's something that you have to learn.

I think, as a human, I was a liar. I know I am now. I've been lying to myself for a long time now.

"Well, I didn't do it because I like his company," I say wryly and I realize after it comes out that it sounds like I did it because I care about her.

Oh, God.

Josie glares at me, too distracted by the insult aimed at Ryan to notice, apparently. "Don't be an asshole. You can just say you're welcome."

I fight the urge to smile. "You're welcome, Josie."

She nods and steps closer to me.

"Aren't you going to go back and help Ryan?" I ask, trying and most definitely failing to keep the judgment out of my voice.

She frowns. "He doesn't want my help. And I'm still pissed at him for that suicidal, hero bullshit back there." She shrugs. "Whatever it is, he'll get over. And if he doesn't then he'll have to talk about it and I'll make him get over it."

"I'm sorry," I say honestly because even though I don't find Ryan particularly agreeable, he's still her best friend. And I can't seem to hate him enough to want him to fracture his relationship with Josie. Probably because I care about her too much.

"Too much" being the operative phrase.

She shrugs again. It's a gesture that's supposed to be noncommittal but tries so hard it ends up communicating every ounce of frustration she holds inside her.

"Whatever. Distract me from it," she commands and the way she looks up at me makes my heart constrict and for a second I think she wants me to distract her the way I want to.

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