Chapter 25

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I try to pretend that Ryan and Jack aren't constantly looking over my shoulder. That they're not watching my every move trying to figure out what is that I'm doing, if I've messed up.

"Josie," Jack says in my ear and I jump about a foot in the air.

"What?" I demand, glaring at him because I am trying to concentrate and Ryan needs to get home and neither of them are going to figure out what the hell is one this phone and –

"You should eat something," he suggests mildly, like I'm not inches from tearing his head off.

"I just started, I'll eat when I've made some progress," I say waving him away.

"Josie... You've been at this four hours. You need to take a break."

I frown. "It hasn't been four hours," I say but then I look at the clock and I realize that I have a headache and my stomach is churning trying to digest food that isn't there.


Jack smiles at me, smoothing my hair back away from my face. "I think you're done for the day."

"But Ryan –" I start to protest as he leads me toward the kitchen.

"Ryan can wait one more day," Jack says dryly, putting food and water in front of me.

I wrinkle my nose. "I guess I got a little...focused."

"You just hate to leave a problem unsolved," Jack says with a meaningful grin and I mirror his expression because there's something gratifying about having figured him out. Jack is the most worthwhile mystery I ever resolved to puzzle out.

"And look at how well that's turned out for me," I tease, giving his hand a quick squeeze before taking another bite of my food.

"I'm glad you think so," Jack says softly and it makes me look up at him and there's something in his expression that makes my gut tighten. And I realize that Jack worries about me. He worries that he's put me in more danger than is morally excusable, if at all.

Sometimes, I wish he weren't so easy to read. Those aren't the kinds of things I want to see written across his face. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

"I think you're right and it's time for bed," I say when I've finished eating.

Jack smiles. "I'll take you to your room."

I shake my head. "No. We're going to your room."

Jack raises his eyebrows. "To do what exactly?"
 I roll my eyes. "You prude," I say but so that he knows I'm teasing. "We're going to sleep. I'm tired but I don't want to be in my bed alone."

"You'll get cold."

I grab fistfuls of his shirt and stand on the balls of my feet. "I'm never cold around you," I say honestly before bringing my mouth to his. He puts a hand on one side of my face and the other goes to the small of my back and I can't even imagine what cold feels like. I'm a fire ignited by Jack and every kiss, every touch makes me burn hotter.

My back hits a wall and I don't care, my hands are fisted in his shirt and then they're under it, roaming the landscape of his torso and I think that this is what my life was missing: knowing that someone cared.

Jack picks me up, my legs wrapped around his waist and I can't think, I can only pull myself closer, wrap my arms around his neck. I'm barely aware that he's moving up the stairs, all I know is that I can't get enough. He's all desire and coolness and heat at the same time.

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