Chapter 4

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I don't really like this chapter I'm kind of disappointed of myself...but let me know what you thought of it nonetheless

Let me know what you think of it throughout the story and make sure you read the end notes !

Happy reading :D


"What time is it?" Harry asks when he finds Louis in his kitchen the next morning, talking to Zayn about God knows what.

Harry's learned by now that Louis obviously doesn't have any boundaries whatsoever, and he wonders if he'll ever get used to that.

It's not like you need to get used to it. You work for him.

"We've got ten minutes to spare." Louis informs him before he pulls out his phone to text someone.

Harry makes himself a cup of coffee and sits down at the table across from him, not bothering to make himself any breakfast since he doesn't have the time to eat it, and also because he's a bit nervous to have Louis in his house once again.

Is it even normal for an eighteen year old to get nervous around someone?

He needs to stop acting like a child, he really does. So he makes a mental note to start acting more mature from now on, because after all, he's leaving for Uni in a couple of months and if he wants to get a shot with Louis, he has to stop being a whiny baby.

"What are you doing after work today?" Louis asks, drifting his attention from Harry to Zayn.

"Probably going to meet up with Perrie or summat." Zayn answers, not looking at him since he's too busy with his phone.

"So you're not coming over to help me unpack?"

"Lou, I'm not coming over to that pig sty even if you paid me."

"What if I do pay you?"

Zayn perks up, but it's obvious that he's taking the piss. "How much are we talking about?"

"Fifty pounds an hour?"

"You're crazy." Zayn shakes his head. "But I still can't come over to help. I already promised Perrie we'd hang out."

Louis sighs. "Fine. I'll find someone else."

"I can help you." Harry interjects. "I mean-if you want."

"Okay then." Louis cocks his head. "We'll drive to my house after practice."

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." Zayn tells him before he leaves the room to go outside.

Harry watches him with knitted eyebrows, but Louis asking him if he's ready to go makes him snap out of his confused state.

They arrive at the training complex about ten minutes later, and this time Harry isn't sure what he's supposed to do, since today is a gym day. Is he supposed to just train with them? Stare at the walls until the two hours are over?

He decides to ask Giggs about it when everyone, including him, is headed to the gym on the first floor.

"Yes you may also use the gym, but next time we have a gym day, you don't have to come in."

Harry nods, not sure whether Giggs is telling him not to come the next time they have a gym day, or that he is allowed to come but not obligated to.

The gym is a giant room filled with different gym equipments, thirty of each of them. Giggs and Stuivenberg tell them to start their warm-ups, and then start with working from their chest down.

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