Chapter 15

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I'm really excited and at the same time terrified to share this chapter with you...make sure you leave comments throughout the story x

The chapter hasn't been beta'd yet, so I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes.

Happy reading :D


When they wake up the next morning, Xander is already gone God knows where. Harry's the first one to stir awake as per usual, so he kindly waits for Louis to wake up as he scrolls through his Instagram and Twitter feed.

It's half an hour later when Louis finally mumbles something and opens his eyes, before he runs his hand down Harry's back, sort of like a 'good morning'.

"Where's your roommate?" he asks when he sees that they're the only ones in the room.

"I think he got scared and left." Harry laughs. "I don't know, nor do I care."

He straddles Louis and leans down to peck him, before he gets out of bed.

"What do you want to do today?" he asks Louis, who looks like he just wants to go back to sleep.

"Ugh...I've got a meeting at like...two. What time 's it?"

"Half past twelve."

"Shit shit shit."

Louis gets out of the bed as well and rushes to the bathroom with the same clothes he was wearing last night.

"As much as I'd like morning sex in the shower, I have to get home and change." He tells Harry who's just hugged his waist from behind as he's brushing his teeth. Harry pouts and buries his nose in Louis' hair.

"It'll be so awkward today." Harry says as he watches Louis get dressed.

"Why would it be awkward?"

"Seeing Xander after he heard us having sex last night."

"Eh, like he wouldn't do the same to you." Louis tells him, waving it off.

"If he did, I'd literally die of embarrassment."

"Well, he's not you, so I think you'll be fine. If he says something, tell me okay?"

Harry nods and sees Louis out the door five minutes and a long makeout session later.

Then he goes to sit down at his own desk and opens his laptop so he can Skype Niall and Barbara. They both answer two minutes later, and of course, they're in the same place; probably one of their dorms.

"Hii. How are you guys?" he asks, leaning his chin on his palm as he looks at the screen.

"We're good. You're lucky I went for an early morning jog, or else this one wouldn't have gotten up in time to Skype you." Barbara laughs, pointing at a clearly grumpy Niall who looks like he's just been pulled out of bed.

"So how's Uni life over there? And why's Niall in London?"

Niall scrunches his nose. "Tomorrow's welcome week for everyone in the country, but I spent last night at Barb's dorm. We got pissed. The thought of driving back to Sheffield is terrible."

"Um, you got pissed." Barbara interjects. "I took care of you."

"And I love you for that." Niall smiles and kisses her cheek like the kiss-ass he is.

"Gross." Harry fake gags.

"What about you? How's your new roommate?"

"His name's Xander, and Louis doesn't really like him."

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