Chapter 9

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Let me know what you think of it throughout the story and make sure you read the end notes !

Happy reading :D


Louis looks around for at least twenty minutes, trying to find where they came from.

"Was it this way?" he asks Harry, pointing in one direction.

"Um, no. I don't remember that tree."

Louis sighs and turns his head. "What about this one?"

"I don't-"

"Okay you have to stop saying that to everything I point at when we both know you weren't even watching where we came from because you were too busy staring at my ass!" Louis exclaims, propping a hand on his hip in a disapproving manor.

"And we both know that you like it when I stare at you."

Louis makes a face, but doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He's obviously been taken by surprise.

"Getting cocky now, are we?"

"We both got cocky just minutes ago." Harry says, trying to make a pun but failing.

Louis stares at him before he pulls Harry in for another kiss.

"What's that for?" Harry asks against Louis' lips when they pull apart.

"Just...there's just something about the way you try to make a joke that turns me on."

"You get off to bad puns?"

"Bad puns made by tall legal guys with green eyes, giant heads, and awful style senses."


"Did I forget to mention frog features?" Louis asks giggling (as in ACTUALLY giggling), sliding his hand under Harry's shirt, curling his fingers over his skin.

Harry rolls his eyes and steps back. "Let's try to find the-"

"It's that way." Louis says, nodding on another direction he's probably pointed out before.

"What? How do you know?"

"I remember."

Harry makes a confused face. "What? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I know the way back to the camp."

"So why did we spend more than half an hour walking through the woods alone? I almost pissed myself when I heard a branch cracking."

"I was just fucking with you."

"You were-ugh." Harry says and turns around, crossing his arms. "You're an asshole."

"Aw, come on now, don't get mad. It was a joke."

"The worst one yet. You know, you really think you're so funny and stuff, but you're actually not. All of your jokes are either overused, boring, or just plain unfunny."

Louis stares at Harry, crossing his arm. "Wow. Picking at my humor. Fuck you. You can say anything about anything, but do not fuck with my humor."

"Oh, please. Give me a break. Let's just go back-"

"No." Louis says.

"Why the fuck not? We've been out of the tent for more than an hour and I'm starting to get really cold and really mad."

Louis looks at him but doesn't say anything.

"Oh, you're the angry one now? Fine. I'll find the way back on my own."

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