Chapter 16

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So the last chapter is finally here...make sure you leave a comment with your feedback and let me know if you liked the ending x

Happy reading :D


Harry hasn't been himself for a month now. He hasn't spoken to Louis since the last time he's seen him, which was that night after the club when they were both drunk and couldn't understand each other at all, so maybe that's why he's also been ignoring Xander. The atmosphere in the dorm is really weird and awkward, because they never talk unless it's a 'hello' or a 'goodbye'. Harry's also missed Louis' last four games, and he isn't planning on going to the one this week either.

Driving the car is also hard, because it reminds him of Louis; therefore, he rarely uses it.

When Niall and Barbara found out about what happened the day after the club, they told him that he should try to call Louis and explain everything. Of course Harry's tried to do so, but Louis either ignores his calls, literally hangs up on him, or just shuts off his phone completely. Harry hasn't tried texting him though, because he knows he isn't going to get to him that way.

The best thing to do right now is to give Louis space, because 'time will heal everything', as Barbara had put it. Harry didn't think that 'time' would mean more than a couple of weeks, but here he is, in a secluded, quiet coffee shop right off campus, working on one of his assignments and still not talking to Louis.

He knows he's to blame, but so is Louis, sort of. If he'd just let Harry properly explain to him what and how it happened, they would've been okay by now. But neither of them was in their right minds that night, so they're both at fault in their own ways.

Harry's sitting at the window in the corner of the coffee shop he's been frequenting lately, working on his Contract Law assignment due in two days, when his phone rings.

His heart stops, because he always thinks it's Louis, and even though it never is, his heart still jumps at the ringtone. One thing he hates about iPhones, it's that you can't set a certain ringtone for a certain person.

It's Niall calling him.


"Hi mate, how're you doing?" Niall asks, and his cheery voice always puts Harry in a better mood.

"Good...well, not really."

"Still haven't talked to Louis, huh?"

Harry shakes his head, and then remembers that Niall can't see him. "That, and I have a three thousand word essay to write for Contract Law and why it's important and blah blah blah."

"Shit, that sucks mate. Listen, I just talked to David and he was telling me that he's thinking of throwing Louis a surprise birthday party."

Harry's stomach turns upside down.


Niall hesitates. "He asked me if I think you'd be up for it and would show up."

"Uh...I don't know if Louis would want to see me there."

"Well, it's almost two months away..."

Harry bites his lip and drags his fingers along the edges of his MacBook. "Yeah, but I don't think we'll talk until then."

"It's his birthday though."

"Do you need an answer right now?"

"No. David said he'll start the preparations with the other guys on the team and Louis' friends next month, but he wanted me to tell you beforehand so you'll have time to think about it."

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