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I disarmed a new camper, when Annabeth came running to me.

"Percy," she said. "Chiron wants you."

"Oh, ok." I sigh, and follow her to the big house. On the porch were 7 chairs. Chiron sat in his wheel chair and smiled at me as I sat down.

Jason, Piper, and Nico were sitting there. I took a seat, and Clarisse stomped up followed by Leo. They sat down.

"What is it?" Annabeth asked. I inched my hand closer to her. Then she noticed and just took my hand.

"You 7 have been chosen to go to Goode High School."

"But the school year... It's September 23rd, Chiron. We'll all be new." I object. "And what about monsters? Seriously, 3 big 3 demigods."

"The gods have designed you a safe haven." Chiron sighed. He tossed Annabeth a key.

"400th floor?" She asked.

"Yes," Chiron said.

Clarisse was mad now, I could tell. "Why do we have to go anyways?!"

"Well... You see, er, Camp Half-Blood is getting a wee to young for you, don't you think?" Chiron asked.

"Well..." I faltered. My demigod friends were going to High School with me! I knew I was grinning and blushing at the same exact time.

"You leave tomorrow!" Chiron said cheekily.

I looked at my watch. 5:15 pm. At 5:30 we would go for dinner at the dining pavilion. We didn't have a lot of time to pack, that's for sure.

With that, Clarisse stomped off, Nico looked kind of happy, Leo set the table on fire with happiness, and so on. The only people unhappy were Jason and Clarisse, and that's because they had to go together.

I put my arm around Annabeth and we walked back to the Commons Area.

"High school, huh?" Annabeth smiled. "Sophomores at Goode High School. Sounds fun."

"But Nico's an eighth grader," I say. "He'll be in Goode Middle School right beside us."

"Well..." Annabeth shrugs. Before she can go into her cabin, we kiss, and I just decide to miss dinner. I collapsed on my bunk, and got in the trunk below my bed. I snacked on blue Jolly Ranchers and blue jelly beans.

Before I know it, it's only 8:30, but I'm out like a light.

"Lights out..." I say just before I drift into sleep.

I woke up to somebody shaking me.

"Just a minute mom..." I grumble sleepily, and then shot up. Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Nico, Piper, and Clarisse were all doubled over laughing.

"Oh, seaweed brain," Annabeth said through laughs. Clarisse was on the floor rolling over.

"It's 10:30," laughed Leo.

"What?!" I jumped out of bed. All my clothes, armor, toiletries, were all over the place, and we had to leave at 1:00pm after lunch. It was a Sunday, so school wasn't going on right now. As they began to leave my cabin, I sighed. "Annabeth? Will you-"

"Help you pack?" She smirked. "C'mon, kelp head."

Annabeth helped me find everything, and I packed my suitcases.

"Seaweed brain, you're gonna need a new wardrobe," Annabeth laughed.

"Well," I shrug. "I will as soon as we get to the city."

Percabeth at GoodeWhere stories live. Discover now