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The only thing Carey does right now when she sees me is bat her eyelashes and wave. Sometimes she blows kisses. But aside from that, we hadn't had any problems. Annabeth and I sat together in every class, and what can I say? School is school.

Finally it was February 13th, 3:30 pm. School had just gotten out, and Leo, Jason, and I had decided to walk home from school, instead of go with the girls and Argus. Mostly because we needed to grab their valentines gifts, and also we just needed some of our once and a while guy-times.

Some girls walking past us giggled, and Jason smirked and looked back. I couldn't help but do it too.

"Holy Hades..." Leo whistled, of course, loud enough for them to her. The girls giggled and started whispering as they got farther away.

"Leo!" Jason snapped. "Don't cause more drama."

"Yeah," is all I can say, although those girls were sort've cute.

Then I stopped at a window. All of us went inside Hallmark, and found some Valentines gifts. I got Annabeth a big fat stuffed owl and some chocolates. Jason got Piper a big fat teddy bear and some candy. Leo got some Hot Rocks, the hottest candy on Earth, and a huge stuffed dragon.

"Uh, Leo...?" Jason and I asked immediately.

"What? she likes me for me." Leo shrugged.

"Gods," I murmur and pay. It was about $30 but you couldn't put a price on Annabeth. It would be way too much. I'm not rich enough to buy her back.

We walked back to the penthouse and quickly hid our gifts in the vault. Nico and Cameron had become an item. For real.

Life was life. Forgive forget. Live, laugh, love. Annabeth forever. Mama egg. Pizza is for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I love ham. And bacon. Those were my sayings. Ok, I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry right now! I guess Annabeth and I could go to that pizza place that had a dance floor and was like the 80s on Eighth Avenue.

Finally we got to the apartment building and we went to the elevator. By now I was used to the ride. I leaned against the rail and messed around on FaceBook and Instagram. I posted a selfie of Annabeth and I.

And of course Carey texts me, for the first time in forever.

Nice selfie Percy! Who's that in the background? She texted.

Oh my gods, did she stalk me or something? That a was quick reply...? Uh, my girlfriend.

Aww... Who is she? Carey asked.

*facepalm* I only date smart people. I'll block you now. I said.

Well god Percy I'm no iPhone! Not like Annabitch that's for sure... Carey said.

That's right your not, and to you its Annabeth. And if you insult my amazing girlfriend one more time I will personally break a chair over your ass. I texted angrily. I'd had it up to Mount Olympus with Carey.

Aww... Is that what you'll say if anybody insults me? Carey said.

I would high five anybody that insulted you. And laugh, and say 'what goes around comes around.' I reply.

Carey didn't text back. I smiled, and just then Annabeth met me at the elevator door. I kissed her.

"Where to eat?" Piper asked.

"Double date?" I asked.

"Nope," Leo came out, dressed like he was from the 80s. Leather jacket and suspenders. Gods, he couldn't even rock an EIGHTIES look. "Triple date."

"My. Gods. Leo." Jason stifles a laugh. "You look... Incredibly-"

"Handsome? Hot?" Leo cuts of Jason.

"Nope. Leo. You look... Incredibly... STUPID."

"Ugh, boys. C'mon, let's go... And Leo-"

"You look way stupider than I could ever imagine." Jason sighs, shaking his head. "But let's go."

We went back down to the lobby. Argus stayed outside. Gods, I think he stalked us or something. 😳

Argus stopped at a girls house, and Leo climbs out. Kelsey runs out of her house, and jumps into his arms. He spends her around like a princess, and when he sits her down, their lips lock. Leo deepens the kiss, and then dips her.

"Nice moves," I hear her say. I roll up the window, scared to hear anymore.

Annabeth lays her head on my shoulder. And for a moment, everything is perfect. But then, something flashed beside of me. I turned to see Leo with a camera, smirking.

"That's a good one! That's going in the Percabeth file cabinet!" Leo said.

"There's a FILE CABINET with our INFORMATION?!" I yelled.

"Records, pictures, EVERYTHING." Leo nodded.

"Oh. My. Gods." Annabeth lunged at him and I threw my arms around her. She struggled against my grip.

"Wise girl!" I say.

She kept on going. I pulled her closer to me. She kicked at me, before groaning and going limp in my arms.

"Repeat after me," I order. "You will not hurt Leo."

"I will try my hardest to hurt Leo," Annabeth said. I sighed, and shrugged at Leo, before letting Annabeth go loose. She looked sort've mad, but also happy about that.

I smile, and we ride over to 80's Pizza Party! on eighth avenue. In the parking lot, argus let's us our. We go inside to see the dance floor has about 7 people jamming.

"Party's on!" I said, but before I could run over, Annabeth grabbed my arm. we walked over to a table and sat down.

A waiter came up and my anger boiled.

Dawson Ramirez.

The guy always crushed on Annabeth. He smiled dreamily at her, before saying, "Ms. Perfect, what would you like to drink?"

"That's Ms. Taken to you." I say through clinched teeth. I put my arm around my girlfriend.

"Mrs... Amazing, what would you like to drink?" He asked. Annabeth narrowed her eyes.

"I'll take Coke." She sighs.

"Coke." I say. The rest of us order our drinks. The waiter disappears.

"Whale!" Leo says, pointing to my face. That was the cue my face was like this: -_-

I roll my eyes and try to make my eyes wider without breaking something in frustration.

Soon Dawson struts with a tray. He hands Annabeth her drink first. He fakes handing me my drink and then hands it to Leo. He gave me mine lay, with a challenging face.

"Game on." I say under my breath. He smirks, as if he'd heard it.

"And what to eat, Ms. Gorgeous?" He said with a deep tone, that gave away that he wasn't asking what FOOD you wanted to eat...

"Definitely not you..." She sighed.

We ordered.

Soon our food came, and Dawson Ramirez moved his eyebrows up and down like a perve.

Annabeth literally slapped him. My mouth fell open, and Leo stifled a laughed. Dawson rubbed his face, and said, "I like feisty girls."

Annabeth's eyes got all stormy and I thought... 3,2,1...

Annabeth jumped out of her seat and went for Dawson. I grabbed her arm, and then drug her back to me.

"Annabeth," I murmur. "Now would be a good time to stop..."

We ate quickly and left, not even dancing. The idea was to have fun, but ok. We left with a $5 tip to Mr. Flirtsicle and paid.

I took Annabeth's hand in mine as he said goodbye to us and kissed her as we walked past. When I looked back, he was scowling.

I mouth, I win! And he narrows his eyes. Then Argus pulls up, and we leave the restaurant.

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