III The Stuck-up Jock

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It was my second period: math. And then lunch. I sat down, and was happy to see Leo, Jason, and Piper were in my class. Leo made a move to sit next to me at the front of the class. Piper and Jason were with each other beside of us, when 3 more people walked in.

One had blonde hair and blue eyes, the other had brown hair and green eyes. Then there was a guy who looked like Ross Lynch with flip hair and a jock jacket. He looked at me, came forward, and knocked Leo out onto the floor. I was too stunned for a second to process.

"Hey!" I protested.

"Hey-" Leo tried to get up, but the jock shoved him back down and plopped down next to me. The teacher, a 30 year old woman, didn't seem to notice.

"This is my seat, if she's sitting here." Said the jock. Leo gave me a pleading look.

"You can't just knock him-"

"Hey, Joe does what Joe wants to do," the jock said.

"If Joe wants to be a jerk, then Joe has succeeded," I shot back.

"Joe likes new girls that are feisty," Joe smirked.

"Joe sounds stupid, talking in 3rd person," I sigh. I get out my textbook.

Leo reluctantly moves to the back row next to a bunch of goth looking kids who are eying him as if finding his weak spots.

The rest of class Joe tried to flirt with me. For instance, putting his thumb under my chin and bringing our noses closer, or putting his arm around me. I seriously wanted to kill him, but I just shoved him back. Him grabbing my hand was the last straw, as I smacked him.

Finally class was over and I had lunch. Finally I would see Percy. I couldn't wait to tell him about Joe so he could beat him up.

I made my way to the cafeteria. Then somebody put their arm around me. I shot my head about to slap Joe, and found Percy. I sighed a sigh of relief and hugged him. We headed to the cafeteria. Somehow, Nico, Leo, Clarisse, Jason, Piper, Percy and I found a table together.

Percy had packed his lunch in a magic lunch box sort of like Leo's tool belt, but Percy's dealt with food.

He got me a cheeseburger and a milk shake. Clarisse was going on and on about some guy all up in her space. Leo was talking about a girl named Kelly, and Jason and Piper were talking to each other.

"This should be a good year," I say. But of course I spoke too soon. Because 5 minutes after we sat down, somebody slammed their tray down next to Percy.

"Hope you don't mind me sitting here, Perce," she said sweetly. I felt my cheeks getting hot. I began to stand, but Clarisse grabbed me and Percy turned to me. He made a message with me through his eyes: this is my fight.

I reluctantly sat down as he stood up to face her.

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