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"Oh my gods!" I yelled in frustration. The elevator door was jammed, we were stuck up here, Percy wasn't answering a phone, and I think we're running out of oxygen. I threw my phone onto the wall. Piper put hers up, after no luck of reaching Jason.

"Oh, my gods what if he gets with Carey...?" I wonder.

"And Mia." Piper slumps against the wall and slides down onto her knees. I lose it all. I picked up my phone and look at the pictures of Percy and I. Selfies.

A tear dripped onto my phone screen. I couldn't lose all this. It was too important. I sat down hard onto the floor. We were 400 stories high, and trapped in a small elevator, running out of oxygen. The door was jammed, and the emergency buttons weren't working way up here. Percy and Jason WEREN'T answering. I wouldn't blame them for being mad.

Then I gasped. "Pipes, I have an idea."

She looked hopeful. I went to the phone. My fingers moved slowly choosing contacts. Until I found him

Jason Grace
Demigod Friend

I hit the call button, and it rang. And rang. And rang. And then I almost died.

"Hello?" He said.

"Jason! We're trapped, um, in the elevator! We can't go down-"

"Annabeth?" He asked. "Are you ok?"

"No!" I yelled. "Come rescue us!"

Cliff. Hanger.

HAHAHAHAHHAAH thanks for reading. LUV you guys, thank you for 1k reads, and for Becoming a God: thanks for 6k views! 2k for What Percy thinks of ships. Thank you guys so much.

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