7:Pick Up Lines At a Library

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Sparks by Hilary Duff
And idc what you say about her, she was my ultimate jam growing up. I could lip sync battle with you for So Yesterday and I would win 100x

Picture of India Quail

On Thursday Jesse once again went to the library, hoping to see the girl again. He received the usual glare from Ms. Elder but after walking up and down aisle's for a while he saw no trace of the girl. He wasn't about to go ask Ms. Elder either in fear she would snap at him and call the cops for no reason at all.

People in this town didn't need a reason to get Jesse in trouble, they never have.

Jesse was about to give up and go back home when he spotted a full head of blonde hair piled on top of a beautiful face on the floor of the travel guide section. He knew it was her immediately from her hair and cheek bones.

His nerves seemed to sky rocket as he approached her. He used to be good at talking to girls until the accident which left him to be an outcast for the past two years. Oddly enough he tried to reign in the same confidence that Keenan had when striking up a conversation with the opposite gender.

"Do you come here often," he blurted once he was standing above her figure. He regretted the choice of words immediately, especially when she looked up to him with a surprised look. Jesse was caught again by how beautiful she was but now he could see her whole face which more than added up to his expectations. Her beautiful grayish blue eyes were held behind large framed glasses which made her look like a hot librarian.

Recognition crossed her face as she realized who the boy was. "Did you just try using a pick up line with me? At a library?" She couldn't help but giggle.

Jesse groaned and sank down into the spot next to her. "Please don't tell anyone I did that. It's not my best material."

"I can see why," she laughed. "Are you here to return Lost and Found? You didn't read the whole thing already have you?"

"Actually I have," he told her proudly. "I just put it back. It was an easy read." Actually he read it within one day and had time to even make a song out of it. The girl was right when she recommended him it, it helped with his inspiration.

"Fast reader than huh," she asked amazed. The book was over five hundred pages though.

"Always have been," he admitted. He used to read a lot when he was a child but he never liked remembering that good part of his life. It was the beginning of something horrible. "So what are you reading?" Without her permission Jesse lifted the book in her hands so he could read the cover. "'One Hundred Things to Do in Europe'."

Jesse raised a brow at the girl who was trying to hide her blush. "What," she whined, yanking the book back to her chest.

"Are you going to Europe or something," he asked.

"Oh heavens no," she laughed. "My father would never allow that."

"So you're reading this just for fun?"

She shrugged her shoulders with a shy look. "Kind of I guess. Travelling isn't really in my plans, I just think it's a nice idea."

"You have plans," he asked skeptically.

"You don't," she asked confused.

Jesse chuckled and ran a hand through his white blonde hair. "It's just well my Dad used to always have this saying. Man plans, God laughs." He looked over to the girl to find her staring at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. "Things happen in life that no one can prepare for. In one second you're whole life can take a drastic turn. I don't see the point is planning if it could change anyways before I can even blink."

"So are you going to college?"

He shrugged and began to play with the torn hem of his t-shirt. "I don't know. I can't pay for it on my own and I don't want to get buried in student loans. Besides I don't know what I would even major in."

"A lot of people don't know what they want to major in when they go to college and you can get a bunch of scholarships. You don't happen to be part Native American do you?"

Jesse laughed freely, letting his smile spilt his face in two. He couldn't remember the last time he had laughed or even smiled as much as he had already with this girl. "No I don't believe I am."

"Darn," she grumbled. "That's the one you got to shoot for. Almost every college has it."

"Maybe I can fake it," he asked.

The girl giggled and reaches up to twirl a piece of his white blonde hair around her finger. "You definitely could," she teased.

Jesse was shocked still for a second. It's been years since someone had come anywhere close to him. He couldn't remember what it felt like to receive a hug or to hold somebody's hand. He missed it and yet here was this strange girl who was touching his hair like it belonged to her.

"Do I know you," he asked softly. She didn't seem afraid to talk to him, even after she saw his full face. If she hadn't been living under a rock for the past two years than she would have known who he was and ran in the other direction. Not to mention how familiar she looked to him. He knew her from somewhere, maybe passing her on the street but he couldn't remember exactly.

She retracted her hand quickly, finally realizing what she was doing. "I'm sorry," she muttered, her face going up in red flames. "I don't think you do."

"Do you go to Greenfield High?" He didn't want to ruin whatever was going on but he also didn't want her to realize later down the road when Jesse had already became too attached to her.

Her gray and blue eyes looked up to Jesse and he couldn't help but notice the ways her lips parted and looked so soft from where he was sitting. "Yes I do."

Dread flooded into Jesse. He knew it was too good to be true. All he had to do was give her his name and she would be gone.

"Do you," she asked, sounding excited.

"Yeah but I'm not around much," he said nervously. He needed to end this before it went anywhere farther. "I have to go now, my aunt is probably worried."

"Oh," she said with sadness written on her face. Jesse wanted to wipe it off with a simple caress but he held himself back and stood up. "Wait," she said before he could leave. "Can I see your phone?"

"My phone," he asked confused.

She nodded her head with her cheeks a bright pink. Hesitantly Jesse fished out his phone from his pocket and gave it to her. "So we can keep in touch," she muttered as she dialed a number. Jesse's whole being froze when he heard her own phone vibrate from her pocket. Did she just put her number in his phone? She totally did.

Jesse groaned on the inside although he was pretty happy. He was in for one hell of a ride.

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