21: Boo Freakin' Hoo

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We Are Young by Fun
A picture of Jesse Cress

Once Jesse was finally sleeping soundly beside Aurora she left the tent quietly. It's been over two hours since the game had ended but Jesse had only recently agreed to swallow the pain pills that was hidden at the bottom of the first aid kit he had. His back was aching but after looking at it Aurora concluded that it wasn't because of the scars, of which none had opened up thankfully, but because Jesse had simply landed on his back wrongly.

Aurora had one thing on her mind when she moved to Greenfield, don't make attachments. Yet here she was making friends with the most hated boy in town and caring for him when no one else would.

Well there was someone who was offering her heart to him but Jesse didn't let her too close for some odd reason that Aurora didn't know of.

India jumped out of nowhere, making Aurora squeal and jump three feet in the air.

"Sorry," India blushed, "I just wanted to ask you about Jesse. Is he okay? He looked like he was in a lot of pain."

Aurora felt bad for the poor girl who was wearing her heart on her sleeve which Jesse wouldn't claim even if she knew he wanted to. But Aurora also knew that Jesse had walls built up for a reason and if he wanted India to break them down than he would let her.

"He's fine, just sleeping now. Give him some rest and he should be up and okay in a couple hours."

India let out a breath, a smile creeping its way onto her lips. "Thank goodness. Do you think he would mind if I stayed by him? I won't bother him I promise, I'll just read my book."

Aurora smirked, gosh these two people had it bad for each other and they didn't even know it. "Sure thing."

India smiled, showing off her perfect array of teeth that even made Aurora jealous. "Wait," she said, grabbing a hold of India's hand before she could skip by her. "Where is Keenan, I need to talk to him."

"He's still in his tent, but be careful. He doesn't want to talk to anyone."

"I could care less."


"I know you're awake shit head," Aurora snapped, kicking Keenan in the stomach.

He howled in pain and rolled over onto to his back, his green eyes narrowing on Aurora above him. "What the fuck?"

"That was for cheating and because I hate you."

He clenched his eyes together tightly. "I don't care what you think about me anymore Aurora."

"Oh so you don't mind that I think you're a pretentious spoiled asshole who throws a temper tantrum whenever he doesn't get his way?" Keenan grudgingly opened his eyes again. "I mean seriously! You're what? Eighteen? Start acting like it damn it."

"You don't know anything," he growled, rolling back over on his side.

Aurora kneeled down beside him. "I know that you've been holding yourself up in this tent for the past two hours because you lost a game. Boo freaking hoo Keenan. It's. A. Game."

"You don't understand Aurora," he roared, shooting up and turning on her. "Don't act like you do!"

"Then tell me damn it! Tell me something!"

"Fine," he snapped. "You know why I can't afford to lose a game, because everyone's fucking eyes on me! I'm good at football Aurora but I didn't ask for the whole town to wait for me to fuck up and call me a dead beat who's only good quality was throwing a ball! I have all this weight on my shoulders and I can't shake it!"

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