Chapter 1

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Alex's POV:

Today is the day I meet Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder. My heart was beating out of my chest, I was so nervous but unbelievably excited.

I finished straightening my hair, and covering up any visible marks my stepfather had given me. Taking one last glance at my reflection, I nodded and quietly made my way down the stairs towards the front door. The limo was supposed to be arriving soon, so I wanted to be ready to leave right away. I walked passed the kitchen, hoping my presence wasn't known by my mother or stepfather. But to no avail, my mother decided to acknowledge my being.

"Where do you think you're going, Alex?" She spat.

I cringed, spinning on my heels to face her.

"Out..." I replied quietly.

"Whatever, don't bother being home anytime soon." She hissed.

I bit my lip and nodded, holding back tears as I walked towards the front door again. Swinging the door open, I walked out to the front porch, sitting on the concrete step.

I can't believe I actually won a day with Louis and Eleanor... How did I get so lucky? Out of everyone who had entered the contest, I won. I'm really grateful God is giving me this opportunity.

My knee bounced as I waited nervously for the limo to pull up. They really didn't need to rent a limo to pick me up, a taxi would have been fine. But then again, Louis is a celebrity so I suppose he deserves the best. Same for Eleanor.

I looked down at my hands, faint scars from past events sprinkled all about on them. I never tried to let my life get to me. I mean, I'm really lucky to even have the life I have. Some people don't have a home, or food to eat. I do. Some people lost their lives undeservingly. I haven't. I always keep in mind that I only have one life, and I'd rather not spend it feeling sorry for myself. Today I'm meeting my idol and his gorgeous girlfriend, that is enough to be thankful for. Just because my father was replaced with an abusive monster, doesn't mean my life is over and I'm forever going to be stuck in a pit of sadness. Someday, happiness will find me. Maybe that day is today.

I looked up as a long, black limo pulled up in front of my house. My heart stopped beating for a second as the driver got out and opened the back door. I stood up as two figures emerged from the car.

"Hello, love! Are you Alex?" The Louis Tomlinson smiled at me.

I nodded my head and began walking towards them.

"It's an honor to meet you both." I said, putting my hand out for Eleanor and Louis to shake.

Louis took my hand and pulled me into his chest.

"No, love. It's an honor meeting you." Eleanor said, also pulling me into a hug.

In the split second Louis and Eleanor both held me at the same time, my mind flashed back to a moment where my mother and father held me as a small girl. I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach. A feeling of safety and comfort. Weird?

"Shall we?" Louis asked in a posh voice, ushering inside the limo.

"Thank you." I giggled as Louis helped me into the limo.

Louis and Eleanor sat on opposite sides of me, both linking an arm with me.

"So, Alex! What would like to do today? We can do anything you'd like." Eleanor smiled warmly.

I smiled weakly, switching my gaze from Louis to Eleanor.

"It doesn't matter to me, I'm just so very thankful to even be here with you both." I said shyly.

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