Chapter 18

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Niall's POV:

I woke up around eleven in the morning. I knew that Louis and Eleanor would be gone until about three, so I decided I'd make Alex and I some brunch.

Shivers were sent up my spine as my bare feet touched the cold ground.

The only thing I had on was a my boxers, since I didn't bring anything to wear to bed.

Without a sound, I walked down the stairs where I came across a little fluffball watching me.

"You must be Tom!" I cooed, putting out my hand to pet him, only to have him flinch and run away.

Skittish little guy.

I walked into the kitchen and began to search for a pan, and pancake mix. Their kitchen was huge, so this wasn't gonna be easy...


After about 10 minutes of searching, I found what I was looking for.

I made the pancake mix and pored some on.

I pored myself a cup of chocolate milk and walked onto the back porch and looked at the sun.

A small breeze came along, making me shiver.

I'm glad this place is surrounded by trees, or else someone would see me.

I slowly drank my cup of milk, and enjoyed the nature surrounding me.

What a beautiful place this was.

Alex's POV:

I woke up to the smell of something burning.

I quickly shot up and out of bed.

What's burning?

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, only to see burning pancake mix on the stove.

I grabbed a towel and started to fan it, which only made the smoke move around the room, setting off the fire alarm.

Niall's POV:

I was enjoying the view when a beeping noise that sounded like a fire alarm went off- Oh gosh! The pancakes!

I ran into the kitchen to see Alex trying to fan the pancake mix.

The room was clouded with smoke.

I let out a gasp, only to inhale the smoke filling the air, causing me to cough.

I ran behind Alex and grabbed her waist and pulled her up onto the island in the middle of the kitchen.

I quickly turned off the stove and sprayed the pan with the fire extinguisher.

The fire alarm didn't stop, so I grabbed the spatula off the counter and handed it to Alex.

She gladly took it and began swatting the annoying thing.

In a matter of moments, the alarm fell off the ceiling and fell to the ground, breaking into a couple pieces.

"Did you really just break the-"

"Yep." She said, cutting me off.

We both burst into laughter as I helped her off the island.

"Sorry, love." I said.

"It's fine. I think it's cute you tried to make breakfast." She said, poking my bare chest and smiling up at me.

"Thanks. And by the way, I think it's super cute when a girl breaks a fire alarm with a spatula." I joked.

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